January 1
Genesis 1
In the beginning
God turned void to all that is
And said, "It is good!"
sing this haiku
Genesis 2
God creates Eden,
Man and all the animals,
Then Eve for Adam.
sing this haiku
Genesis 3
Serpent temptation
To become a lot like God
Led to Eden lost
sing this haiku
Matthew 1
Families of God
Before the birth of Jesus.
Then Emmanuel.
sing this haiku
January 2
Genesis 4
God inquires of Cain,
"Where is your brother Abel?"
Origin of war
sing this haiku
Genesis 5
Humankind first lived
From one to nine hundred years
Like Methuselah
sing this haiku
Genesis 6
The spirit of God
Became lost in humankind.
Noah built an ark
sing this haiku
Matthew 2
The three wise men came
Like shepherds who saw a star.
Herod was afraid.
sing this haiku
January 3
Genesis 7
Noah's family,
Forty days and forty nights,
Sailed on the water.
sing this haiku
Genesis 8
The rain abated
And the dove did not return.
God vowed, "Naught again."
sing this haiku
Genesis 9
Ev'rything on earth
Be fruitful and multiply
Rainbows in the sky.
sing this haiku
Matthew 3
John wore camel's hair;
In the Jordan cried, "Repent!"
Jesus was baptized.
sing this haiku
January 4
Genesis 10
Shem, Ham, and Japheth
Produced genealogies
To populate earth.
sing this haiku
Genesis 11
Babel unity
In a tower to reach God
Scattered descendants.
sing this haiku
Genesis 12
Abram and Sarai,
With a covenant of God,
Deceive the Pharaoh.
sing this haiku
Matthew 4
In the wilderness
Satan tried to tempt Jesus.
Ministry begins.
sing this haiku
January 5
Genesis 13
Abram and Lot herds
Demanded separate lands.
Abram got Canaan.
sing this haiku
Genesis 14
War takes Lot captive.
Abram frees him and is blessed
By Melchizedek.
sing this haiku
Genesis 15
Abram counts the stars
And God promises to him
More than all of them.
sing this haiku
Matthew 5:1-26
The Beatitudes
Turn the world upon its head.
God's Law is explained.
sing this haiku
January 6
Genesis 16
Abram wants a son.
Hagar, Sarai's servant girl,
Bears him Ishmael.
sing this haiku
Genesis 17
Through circumcision,
God is bound forever with
sing this haiku
Matthew 5:27-48
The Beatitudes
Turn the world upon its head.
God's Law is explained.
sing this haiku
January 7
Genesis 18
Sarai/Sarah laughs
When God promises a son
While Sodom decays.
sing this haiku
Genesis 19
Wickedness destroys
Sodom and pillar of salt.
Lot lays with daughters.
sing this haiku
Matthew 6:1-18
Jesus preaches more.
Teaches us to fast and pray,
And rely on God.
sing this haiku
January 8
Genesis 20
Abraham again
Calls his wife his sister to
Fool Abimelech.
sing this haiku
Genesis 21
Laughter named Isaac,
And Hagar is sent away.
God blesses her child.
sing this haiku
Genesis 22
God tells Abraham,
"Use Isaac as sacrifice."
Then gives ram instead.
sing this haiku
Matthew 6:19-34
Jesus preaches more.
Teaches us to fast and pray,
And rely on God.
sing this haiku
January 9
Genesis 23
Abraham, in grief,
Buys Hittite field toward Hebron
To bury Sarah.
sing this haiku
Genesis 24
Abraham's servant
Finds Rebekah at the well.
She and Isaac wed.
sing this haiku
Matthew 7
Do not judge others.
Seeking God is first in life.
Be more than hearers.
sing this haiku
January 10
Genesis 25
Death of Abraham.
Esau and Jacob are born;
Esau sells birthright.
sing this haiku
Genesis 26
God blesses Isaac
With many wells of water.
Esau weds Hittites.
sing this haiku
Matthew 8:1-17
Jesus heals many,
Sends two demons into swine,
Stills the stormy sea.
sing this haiku
January 11
Genesis 27
Jacob fools Isaac;
Gets his father's first blessing,
Making Esau mad.
sing this haiku
Genesis 28
Esau spites Isaac;
Takes Ishmael's daughter as wife.
Jacob's ladder dream.
sing this haiku
Matthew 8:18-34
Jesus heals many,
Sends two demons into swine,
Stills the stormy sea.
sing this haiku
January 12
Genesis 29
Jacob loves Rachel.
Works for Laban fourteen years;
Leah must wed first.
sing this haiku
Genesis 30
Jacob's sons are born.
It was time to leave Laban;
Goat trick was needed.
sing this haiku
Matthew 9:1-17
Jesus calls Matthew
And explains about new wine.
Laborers are few.
sing this haiku
January 13
Genesis 31
Laban finds Jacob.
Rachel stole the household gods.
Each goes his own way.
sing this haiku
Genesis 32
Jacob fears Esau;
Sends him many flocks for peace.
God names Israel.
sing this haiku
Matthew 9:18-38
Jesus calls Matthew
And explains about new wine.
Laborers are few.
sing this haiku
January 14
Genesis 33
Jacob and Esau
Meet and kiss with tears of joy,
And then Jacob leaves.
sing this haiku
Genesis 34
Shechem rapes Dinah.
Jacob's sons avenge disgrace,
Taking Canaan's wealth.
sing this haiku
Genesis 35
Israel is named
And he takes all to Bethel.
Isaac, Rachel die.
sing this haiku
Matthew 10:1-20
The disciples learn
Of persecutions to come.
They must bear a cross.
sing this haiku
January 15
Genesis 36
Esau's descendants
Become the land of Edom
Where kings ruled, not God.
sing this haiku
Genesis 37
Joseph, favored one,
Dreams that all will bow to him.
To Egypt he's sold.
sing this haiku
Genesis 38
Tamar was widowed.
Judah is deceived by her;
Perez is their child.
sing this haiku
Matthew 10:21-42
The disciples learn
Of persecutions to come.
They must bear a cross.
sing this haiku
January 16
Genesis 39
Joseph in Egypt,
Deceived by his master's wife,
Is sent to prison.
sing this haiku
Genesis 40
Servants of Pharaoh
Have their dreams interpreted
By Joseph in jail.
sing this haiku
Matthew 11
John the Baptist sends
Messengers to ask Jesus
If he is the One.
sing this haiku
January 17
Genesis 41
Pharaoh has a dream.
Joseph tells Pharaoh the truth;
Becomes powerful.
sing this haiku
Genesis 42
Famine in the land
Brings Joseph's brothers to beg.
They do not know him.
sing this haiku
Matthew 12:1-21
Pharisees are mad.
Jesus heals on the Sabbath
And calls them vipers.
sing this haiku
January 18
Genesis 43
The brothers return
Bringing Benjamin with them.
Joseph serves a feast.
sing this haiku
Genesis 44
Joseph has a plan
To keep Benjamin with him.
Judah pleads, "Not so!"
sing this haiku
Genesis 45
Joseph shows himself
To his brothers; they all weep.
Pharaoh gives them wealth.
sing this haiku
Matthew 12:22-50
Pharisees are mad.
Jesus heals on the Sabbath
And calls them vipers.
sing this haiku
January 19
Genesis 46
God speaks to Jacob,
"Take all your kin to Egypt."
Goshen becomes home.
sing this haiku
Genesis 47
Jacob meets Pharaoh.
Joseph makes Pharaoh wealthy
Buying land for food.
sing this haiku
Genesis 48
Joseph brings his sons
To Jacob for a blessing;
The younger was first.
sing this haiku
Matthew 13:1-30
Speaking parables,
Jesus teaches those who hear
With an open heart.
sing this haiku
January 20
Genesis 49
Jacob calls his sons
To speak to each a blessing,
Then he breathed no more.
sing this haiku
Genesis 50
As Jacob had wished,
In Canaan he was buried.
Joseph died in peace.
sing this haiku
Matthew 13:31-58
Speaking parables,
Jesus teaches those who hear
With an open heart.
sing this haiku
January 21
Exodus 1
Many years have passed.
The Israelites are slaves
Oppressed in Egypt.
sing this haiku
Exodus 2
Babe in the river
Is found by Pharaoh's daughter
Who names him Moses.
sing this haiku
Exodus 3
At the mount of God
Moses sees a burning bush
And speaks with "I AM"
sing this haiku
Matthew 14:1-21
Walking on water,
Two fish and five loaves of bread
Will feed five thousand.
sing this haiku
January 22
Exodus 4
The Lord tells Moses
That he and Aaron will free
The Hebrew people.
sing this haiku
Exodus 5
"Make bricks without
Pharaoh said, when Moses said,
"Let my people go!"
sing this haiku
Exodus 6
The deliverance
Of families of Moses
Is assured by God.
sing this haiku
Matthew 14:22-36
Walking on water,
Two fish and five loaves of bread
Will feed five thousand.
sing this haiku
January 23
Exodus 7
Egypt shall know God,
So Pharaoh's heart was hardened.
The first plague of blood.
sing this haiku
Exodus 8
Then frogs, gnats and flies
Were three more plagues on Egypt
God made through Moses.
sing this haiku
Matthew 15:1-20
Who are hypocrites?
One who perseveres is blessed,
And four thousand fed.
sing this haiku
January 24
Exodus 9
The herds were diseased
And boils to prove God's power.
Then hail destroyed crops.
sing this haiku
Exodus 10
God hardened Pharaoh
Through locusts and then darkness
As plagues on Egypt.
sing this haiku
Exodus 11
One more plague to come,
The worst on all of Egypt,
All first born shall die.
sing this haiku
Matthew 15:21-39
Who are hypocrites?
One who perseveres is blessed,
And four thousand fed.
sing this haiku
January 25
Exodus 12
Death passes over
The houses of Israel
For a remembrance.
sing this haiku
Exodus 13
"Eat unleavened bread
And set apart your first born."
God was fire and clouds.
sing this haiku
Matthew 16
Peter calls Jesus
The Messiah, Son of God.
Jesus claims the cross.
sing this haiku
January 26
Exodus 14
The people rebel,
But Moses parts the Red Sea
And delivers them.
sing this haiku
Exodus 15
Moses sings a song
Giving glory to God, then
Leads to fresh water.
sing this haiku
Matthew 17
Faith the size of mustard seeds;
Jesus puzzles all.
sing this haiku
January 27
Exodus 16
The people complained,
"We are hungry! Take us home!"
God gave them manna.
sing this haiku
Exodus 17
The people shouted,
"Water!" From a rock it came.
God gives victory.
sing this haiku
Exodus 18
Jethro meets Moses
And advises him wisely
To appoint judges.
sing this haiku
Matthew 18:1-20
What is true greatness?
Leave the blessed to find the lost.
Forgiveness is prime.
sing this haiku
January 28
Exodus 19
God calls to Moses
From a cloud on Mount Sinai
In fire and in smoke.
sing this haiku
Exodus 20
The Ten Commandments
Came from thunder and lightning
To fearful people
sing this haiku.
Matthew 18:21-35
What is true greatness?
Leave the blessed to find the lost.
Forgiveness is prime.
sing this haiku
January 29
Exodus 21
Laws concerning slaves,
Violence and property,
God gives to Moses.
sing this haiku
Exodus 22
Moses receives laws
Concerning restitution
And religion too.
sing this haiku
Matthew 19
Jesus teaches us,
"Let the children come to me.
Give your wealth away."
sing this haiku
January 30
Exodus 23
Give justice to all
And keep the Sabbath holy.
Follow God's angel.
sing this haiku
Exodus 24
Moses went alone
To the top of Mount Sinai
Forty days and nights.
sing this haiku
Matthew 20:1-16
Laborers are few
And the first must be the last.
Jesus heals the blind.
sing this haiku
January 31
Exodus 25
Instructions from God
For the temple and the ark,
Table and lampstand.
sing this haiku
Exodus 26
The tabernacle,
With its framework and curtain,
Described in detail.
sing this haiku
Matthew 20:17-34
Laborers are few
And the first must be the last.
Jesus heals the blind.
sing this haiku
February 1
Exodus 27
For burnt offerings,
Build an altar and a court.
Use lamp with pure oil.
sing this haiku
Exodus 28
Aaron and his sons
Shall be priests in the temple;
Clothe them properly.
sing this haiku
Matthew 21:1-22
Shouting, "Hosanna!"
Jesus in Jerusalem
Curses the temple.
sing this haiku
February 2
Exodus 29
Ordain the priesthood
With the blood of bulls and rams
As a sacrament.
sing this haiku
Exodus 30
Altar and basin
For incense oil and washing
And the atonement.
sing this haiku
Matthew 21:23-46
Shouting, "Hosanna!"
Jesus in Jerusalem
Curses the temple.
sing this haiku
February 3
Exodus 31
God appointed men
To build ev'rything, and gave
Two tablets of stone.
sing this haiku
Exodus 32
While Moses was gone,
People built a golden calf.
Levi's sons were blessed.
sing this haiku
Exodus 33
Moses spoke to God,
And God spoke to Moses in
The tent of meeting.
sing this haiku
Matthew 22:1-22
Who will be God's guests?
Sadducees and Pharisees
Try to stump Jesus.
sing this haiku
February 4
Exodus 34
Moses intercedes
For all the stiff-necked people.
Ev'rything renewed.
sing this haiku
Exodus 35
All people prepare
To give of their gifts, and keep
The Sabbath holy.
sing this haiku
Matthew 22:23-46
Who will be God's guests?
Sadducees and Pharisees
Try to stump Jesus.
sing this haiku
February 5
Exodus 36
Oholiab and
Bezalel were skilled to build
The tabernacle.
sing this haiku
Exodus 37
Covenantal ark
Made of acacia and gold
Wings of cherubim.
sing this haiku
Exodus 38
The tabernacle,
Altars, oils, courts, and curtains
Made with finest things.
sing this haiku
Matthew 23:1-22
Jesus speaks harsh words
To temple authorities;
"Woe to you," he says.
sing this haiku
February 6
Exodus 39
For Aaron and priests,
Ephods, breastplates, and jewels,
All as God had said.
sing this haiku
Exodus 40
When all was ready,
The temple was erected
With clouds and glory.
sing this haiku
Matthew 23:23-39
Jesus speaks harsh words
To temple authorities;
"Woe to you," he says.
sing this haiku
February 7
Leviticus 1
A burnt offering
Shall be animals without
Blemish for the Lord.
sing this haiku
Leviticus 2
Frankincense and oil
Shall be poured upon choice flour,
And use no leaven.
sing this haiku
Leviticus 3
A sheep or a goat,
Offerings of well-being,
Must have fat removed.
sing this haiku
Matthew 24:1-28
The end is coming.
Lawlessness will soon increase,
But remain faithful.
sing this haiku
February 8
Leviticus 4
Intentional sin
Requires a bull sacrifice
Slaughtered before God.
sing this haiku
Leviticus 5
Uncleanness brings guilt
And requires a sacrifice
Of sheep, goats, or birds.
sing this haiku
Matthew 24:29-51 The end is coming.
Lawlessness will soon increase,
But remain faithful.
sing this haiku
February 9
Leviticus 6
Repay plus one fifth.
When sacrifices are made
It is food for priests.
sing this haiku
Leviticus 7
Thanksgiving off'rings
Shall be eaten the same day
And use fat for smoke.
sing this haiku
Matthew 25:1-30
Keep your lamps burning.
Use God's gifts to you to share
With the weakest ones.
sing this haiku
February 10
Leviticus 8
Moses anointed
Aaron and tabernacle
With oil and with blood.
sing this haiku
Leviticus 9
Bull, lamb, ox, and ram
For well-being sacrifice
Will bless the people
sing this haiku
Leviticus 10
Two sons of Aaron
Offered an unholy flame,
So God consumed them.
sing this haiku
Matthew 25:31-46
Keep your lamps burning.
Use God's gifts to you to share
With the weakest ones.
sing this haiku
February 11
Leviticus 11
If it chews its cud
And has a divided hoof,
You may eat of it.
sing this haiku
Leviticus 12
Women giving birth
Require purification
And blood sacrifice.
sing this haiku
Matthew 26:1-25
"Not I," Judas said
While the Last Supper was served.
Then Gethsemane.
sing this haiku
February 12
Leviticus 13
A leprous person
After seven days shall be
Deemed by priests unclean.
sing this haiku
Matthew 26:26-50
"Not I," Judas said
While the Last Supper was served.
Then Gethsemane.
sing this haiku
February 13
Leviticus 14
Two clean living birds
And two lambs of atonement
Make a leper clean.
sing this haiku
Matthew 26:51-75
"Not I," Judas said
While the Last Supper was served.
Then Gethsemane.
sing this haiku
February 14
Leviticus 15
A man or woman
Shall be unclean seven days
For body discharge.
sing this haiku
Leviticus 16
Aaron must atone
For himself and the people
With bull sacrifice.
sing this haiku
Matthew 27:1-26
Jesus is silent
As Barabbas is set free.
Christ is crucified.
sing this haiku
February 15
Leviticus 17
Sacrifices must
Be at the altar of God,
And no blood eaten.
sing this haiku
Leviticus 18
Laws concerning sex
Make it for a man and wife,
And all else is sin.
sing this haiku
Matthew 27:27-50
Jesus is silent
As Barabbas is set free.
Christ is crucified.
sing this haiku
February 16
Leviticus 19
You shall be holy
By keeping God's commandments
And moral statutes.
sing this haiku
Leviticus 20
Penalties of death
For all in depravity
And idol worship.
sing this haiku
Matthew 27:51-66
Jesus is silent
As Barabbas is set free.
Christ is crucified.
sing this haiku
February 17
Leviticus 21 Priests shall be holy
In their body, clothing, life,
And without blemish.
sing this haiku
Leviticus 22 Holy offerings,
Sacred donations to God,
Shall be perfection.
sing this haiku
Matthew 28
Joy on the third day;
Jesus rises from the dead
And commissions us.
sing this haiku
February 18
Leviticus 23
Festivals of weeks,
Booths, trumpets, unleavened bread,
First fruits, and Sabbath.
sing this haiku
Leviticus 24
Pure oil in a lamp
Shall burn throughout each night, and
Blasphemers shall die.
sing this haiku
Mark 1:1-22
Baptism was by fire;
First by John, then the desert,
Then healing begins.
sing this haiku
February 19
Leviticus 25
Rest land seventh year
And seven times seven years
Between Jubilees.
sing this haiku
Mark 1:23-45
Baptism was by fire;
First by John, then the desert,
Then healing begins.
sing this haiku
February 20
Leviticus 26
Rain, peace, strength, and crops
For obedience, or else
Plagues, terror and death.
sing this haiku
Leviticus 27
The worth of people,
Animals and land shall be
Holy to the Lord.
sing this haiku
Mark 2
A man through the roof,
And while eating with sinners,
Jesus heals with love.
sing this haiku
February 21
Numbers 1
Moses told to count
The twelve tribes of Israel
And all ancestors.
sing this haiku
Numbers 2
Each tribe is to camp;
Judah east and Reuben south,
Ephraim west, Dan north.
sing this haiku
Mark 3:1-19
Called the Son of God
And Beelzebul, by some,
Jesus confused all.
sing this haiku
February 22
Numbers 3
God chose the Levites
To care for the temple with
The sons of Aaron.
sing this haiku
Number 4
The Kohathites and
Gershonites and Merarites
Carry the temple.
sing this haiku
Mark 3:20-35
Called the Son of God
And Beelzebul, by some,
Jesus confused all.
sing this haiku
February 23
Numbers 5
An unfaithful wife
Shall be brought before the priest
To cleanse and set free.
sing this haiku
Numbers 6
A vow to the Lord
By Nazirites is special;
Setting them apart.
sing this haiku
Mark 4:1-20
Amid parables,
Seed on paths, rocks, thorns, and soil,
Jesus calms the sea.
sing this haiku
February 24
Numbers 7
For twelve special days
Offerings were made to God
To bless the altar.
sing this haiku
Numbers 8
The consecration
Of the Levites by Aaron
For service to God.
sing this haiku
Mark 4:21-41
Amid parables,
Seed on paths, rocks, thorns, and soil,
Jesus calms the sea.
sing this haiku
February 25
Numbers 9
After Passover
At Sinai, God led the tribes
By cloud and by fire.
sing this haiku
Numbers 10
Two silver trumpets
Were made and blown for warning,
Then they left Sinai.
sing this haiku
Numbers 11 Moses intercedes.
Seventy elders chosen,
Then God provides quails
sing this haiku
Mark 5:1-20
Jesus meets Legion
And heals on way to healing
A girl who was dead.
sing this haiku
February 26
Numbers 12
God hears jealousy
In Aaron and Miriam.
Moses Intercedes.
sing this haiku
Numbers 13
Spies sent to Canaan
Reported wealth and giants;
Only Caleb brave.
sing this haiku
Numbers 14
Because they rebelled,
God told the people they will
Suffer forty years
sing this haiku
Mark 5:21-43
Jesus meets Legion
And heals on way to healing
A girl who was dead.
sing this haiku
February 27
Numbers 15
In the promised land,
Make various offerings
And add fringe to clothes.
sing this haiku
Numbers 16
Some Levites rebel
Against Moses and Aaron.
God's wrath consumes them.
sing this haiku
Mark 6:1-29
Jesus rejected
By his home. He sends the twelve
While Herod kills John.
sing this haiku
February 28
Numbers 17
Each tribe placed a staff
To see which one God would choose.
Aaron's staff blossomed.
sing this haiku
Numbers 18
Levites serve the priests
Who shall have the offerings.
Levites keep the tithe.
sing this haiku
Numbers 19
Burn the red heifer
Outside the camp for cleansing
Those who touch dead things.
sing this haiku
Mark 6:30-56
Jesus rejected
By his home. He sends the twelve
While Herod kills John.
sing this haiku
March 1
Numbers 20
Moses strikes a rock
In anger at Meribah,
And then Aaron dies.
sing this haiku
Numbers 21
A snake on a pole
To give life and defeat kings
In Moab journey.
sing this haiku
Numbers 22
Balak calls Balaam
For protection, but Balaam
Hears the voice of God.
sing this haiku
Mark 7:1-13
Elder traditions
From the Laws of purity
Are less than pure love.
sing this haiku
March 2
Numbers 23
Balaam's oracles
Are against Balak because
God loves Israel.
sing this haiku
Numbers 24
Oracles reveal
What God has done and will do;
Making Balak mad.
sing this haiku
Numbers 25
People worshipped Baal
And men took Midian wives.
Phineas killed them.
sing this haiku
Mark 7:14-37
Elder traditions
From the Laws of purity
Are less than pure love.
sing this haiku
March 3
Numbers 26
New census reveals
Over six hundred thousand
To inherit land.
sing this haiku
Numbers 27
Women of Joseph
Become heirs, and Joshua
Will succeed Moses.
sing this haiku
Mark 8:1-21 Yeast of Pharisees
Cannot feed as Jesus fed.
"Do you understand?"
sing this haiku
March 4
Numbers 28
Offerings prescribed
For days, Sabbath, Passover;
Also months and weeks.
sing this haiku
Numbers 29
Keep a festival
For trumpets and atonement,
And eight days of booths.
sing this haiku
Numbers 30
The vows of women
Require approval by men;
Father or husband.
sing this haiku
Mark 8:22-38
Yeast of Pharisees
Cannot feed as Jesus fed.
"Do you understand?"
sing this haiku
March 5
Numbers 31
War with Midian
Brings booty to Israel.
All must give a tithe.
sing this haiku
Numbers 32
Reuben and Gadites
Wanted land in Gilead.
Moses tells them, "Wait."
sing this haiku
Numbers 33
Israel's journey
From Egypt to the Jordan,
To the promised land.
sing this haiku
Mark 9:1-29
Healing unbelief,
Jesus says the last are first
And that he must die.
sing this haiku
March 6
Numbers 34
Boundaries are set,
Divided by Joshua
And Eleazar.
sing this haiku
Numbers 35
Cities for Levites
And cities of refuge must
Be in all twelve tribes.
sing this haiku
Numbers 36
Joseph's ancestors
Were women who must marry
Paternal cousins.
sing this haiku
Mark 9:30-50 Healing unbelief,
Jesus says the last are first
And that he must die.
sing this haiku
March 7
Deuteronomy 1
History recalled:
Forty years in wilderness
Caused by rebellion.
sing this haiku
Deuteronomy 2
Avoid Esau's kin.
God made sure you lacked nothing
And gave victory.
sing this haiku
Mark 10:1-31
"You must be a child,
Give away your worldly wealth
And seek the last place."
sing this haiku
March 8
Deuteronomy 3
God gave Gilead
To Reuben and the Gadites.
Moses views Canaan.
sing this haiku
Deuteronomy 4
Moses reminds them
Of what God has done that they
Should teach their children.
sing this haiku
Mark 10:32-52
"You must be a child,
Give away your worldly wealth
And seek the last place."
sing this haiku
March 9
Deuteronomy 5
The Ten Commandments
Are recalled and do require
Strict obedience.
sing this haiku
Deuteronomy 6
Hear, O Israel,
You shall love the Lord your God
With heart, soul, and might.
sing this haiku
Deuteronomy 7
Do not show mercy
To the natives of Canaan.
God has chosen you.
sing this haiku
Mark 11:1-18
Riding on a colt
Jesus hears loud hosannas
In Jerusalem.
sing this haiku
March 10
Deuteronomy 8
The Lord provided
In your poverty; now in
Wealth remember Him.
sing this haiku
Deuteronomy 9
God goes before you.
Be grateful and remember
Costs of rebellion.
sing this haiku
Deuteronomy 10
Essence of the Law:
Love God, walk in His ways, and
Serve with heart and soul.
sing this haiku
Mark 11:19-33
Riding on a colt
Jesus hears loud hosannas
In Jerusalem.
sing this haiku
March 11
Deuteronomy 11
If you obey God,
You will gather grain and oil
In land God gives you.
sing this haiku
Deuteronomy 12
Destroy pagan gods
And worship in one place with
No idolatry.
sing this haiku
Deuteronomy 13
Worship only God.
Beware of false prophets and
Put them to the sword.
sing this haiku
Mark 12:1-27
The wicked tenants
Plan to trap the Son of God
Using trick questions.
sing this haiku
March 12
Deuteronomy 14
Eat what chews its cud
And has a divided hoof.
Always give a tithe.
sing this haiku
Deuteronomy 15
Ev'ry seventh year
Pardon the debts of neighbors
And set kin slaves free.
sing this haiku
Deuteronomy 16
Passover reviewed,
As well as the festivals
Of weeks and of booths.
sing this haiku
Mark 12:28-44
The wicked tenants
Plan to trap the Son of God
Using trick questions.
sing this haiku
March 13
Deuteronomy 17
Idol worshippers
Shall be killed; and priests shall serve
As kings and judges.
sing this haiku
Deuteronomy 18
No pagan beliefs.
The Levites inherit God
And a new prophet.
sing this haiku
Deuteronomy 19
Maintain three cities
For accidental killers
To find a refuge.
sing this haiku
Mark 13:1-20
Jesus speaks the truth
About death, figs and temple,
Warning, "Stay awake."
sing this haiku
March 14
Deuteronomy 20
Before starting war
Offer the town terms of peace;
And spare all fruit trees.
sing this haiku
Deuteronomy 21
Cleanse innocent blood.
Gives rights to firstborn sons, and
Kill a rebel child.
sing this haiku
Deuteronomy 22
Care for neighbor flocks
And obey sexual laws.
Marry a virgin.
sing this haiku
Mark 13:21-37
Jesus speaks the truth
About death, figs and temple,
Warning, "Stay awake."
sing this haiku
March 15
Deuteronomy 23
Edomites are kin.
Remain ritually clean.
Escaped slaves are free.
sing this haiku
Deuteronomy 24
Laws about divorce,
Pledges and slavery, and
Leaving a remnant.
sing this haiku
Deuteronomy 25
A man must marry
His dead brother's wife, or she
Can spit in his face.
sing this haiku
Mark 14:1-26
Sharing Passover,
The twelve betray and deny.
Jesus claims, "I AM"
sing this haiku
March 16
Deuteronomy 26
Tithe of your first fruits
As thanks for all God has done.
You are God's people.
sing this haiku
Deuteronomy 27
When you cross into
A land of milk and honey,
Build God an altar.
sing this haiku
Mark 14:27-53
Sharing Passover,
The twelve betray and deny.
Jesus claims, "I AM"
sing this haiku
March 17
Deuteronomy 28
Blessings will abound
On ev'rything you have, if
You obey God's Word.
sing this haiku
Deuteronomy 29
Remembering all
God has given and done, we
Renew covenant.
sing this haiku
Mark 14:54-72
Sharing Passover,
The twelve betray and deny.
Jesus claims, "I AM"
sing this haiku
March 18
Deuteronomy 30
You can be certain
Of God's love, faith, and heaven;
They are in your heart.
sing this haiku
Deuteronomy 31
God instructs Moses,
"Put the Law inside the ark.
Anoint Joshua."
sing this haiku
Mark 15:1-25
Jesus is condemned,
Mocked, crucified, and buried.
Then sealed in a tomb.
sing this haiku
March 19
Deuteronomy 32
The song of Moses,
"God is faithful, just and strong.
He will be your Rock."
sing this haiku
Deuteronomy 33
Moses, man of God,
Blesses tribes of Israel
Just as Jacob did.
sing this haiku
Deuteronomy 34
Moses at Pisgah
Looks at Canaan and then dies.
Thirty days they mourn.
sing this haiku
Mark 15:26-47
Jesus is condemned,
Mocked, crucified, and buried.
Then sealed in a tomb.
sing this haiku
March 20
Joshua 1
Joshua prepares
To cross the River Jordan.
The people obey.
sing this haiku
Joshua 2
Rahab hides the spies
Who will spare her family
When Israel comes.
sing this haiku
Joshua 3
The ark leads the way
As the Jordan is parted
Outside Jericho.
sing this haiku
Mark 16
After the Sabbath,
An angel tells three women.
"Jesus is risen!"
sing this haiku
March 21
Joshua 4
Twelve stones were set up
In Gilgal where they crossed the
Jordan on dry ground.
sing this haiku
Joshua 5
Re-circumcise men.
Observe Passover again.
This is holy ground.
sing this haiku
Joshua 6
Priests blowing trumpets -
People marched 'round Jericho -
With shouts the wall fell.
sing this haiku
Luke 1:1-25
Prophets and angels
Sent to prepare the way for
The Magnificat.
sing this haiku
March 22
Joshua 7
First defeat at Ai
For devoted things Achan
Hid within his tent.
sing this haiku
Joshua 8
Ai chased Israel
From their city, but more men
Came up from behind.
sing this haiku
Joshua 9
The kings of Canaan
Gather, but Gibeon sought
Peace through slavery.
sing this haiku
Luke 1:26-38
Prophets and angels
Sent to prepare the way for
The Magnificat.
sing this haiku
March 23
Joshua 10
Five kings of Canaan
Beaten when the sun stood still.
God gave victory.
sing this haiku
Joshua 11
Joshua then took
All the cities in the north.
Then was rest from war.
sing this haiku
Joshua 12
Moses conquered kings,
And then Joshua conquered
Thirty-one in all.
sing this haiku
Luke 1:39-56
Prophets and angels
Sent to prepare the way for
The Magnificat.
sing this haiku
March 24
Joshua 13
Reuben and Gadites
Received land east of Jordan
As Moses had said.
sing this haiku
Joshua 14
Nine and one half tribes
Received land west of Jordan;
Levites received none.
sing this haiku
Joshua 15
Judah's land described
With all of his families.
Caleb got Hebron.
sing this haiku
Luke 1:57-80
Prophets and angels
Sent to prepare the way for
The Magnificat.
sing this haiku
March 25
Joshua 16
The tribes of Joseph
Received two portions: Ephraim
And half Manesseh.
sing this haiku
Joshua 17
Joseph's firstborn son,
Manesseh, received land east
And west of Jordan.
sing this haiku
Joshua 18
There were seven tribes
That had not received their land.
Scouts were sent to see.
sing this haiku
Luke 2:1-24
The Christ child is born.
Simeon sees Messiah.
Young Jesus teaches.
sing this haiku
March 26
Joshua 19
When the scouts returned
Seven lands were divided
By lot in Shiloh.
sing this haiku
Joshua 20
Cities of refuge
For accidental slayers
Were made in six lands.
sing this haiku
Joshua 21
Levites received towns
To live in and for their flocks
As God commanded.
sing this haiku
Luke 2:25-52
The Christ child is born.
Simeon sees Messiah.
Young Jesus teaches.
sing this haiku
March 27
Joshua 22
The two tribes return
To their land east of Jordan.
They built an altar.
sing this haiku
Joshua 23
Joshua explains
How God kept His promises;
"Now you must keep yours."
sing this haiku
Joshua 24
In Shechem, people
Renew covenant with God.
Then Joshua dies.
sing this haiku
Luke 3
John the Baptist shouts,
"Prepare the way of the Lord."
Jesus is baptized.
sing this haiku
March 28
Judges 1
Judah first must fight
Canaan natives for their land,
But they let some live.
sing this haiku
Judges 2
Israel did not
Tear down all pagan altars.
Then Joshua died.
sing this haiku
Judges 3
God raised Othniel,
Ehud and Shamgar to judge
And lead Israel.
sing this haiku
Luke 4:1-30
Jesus tells his home,
"Scripture is fulfilled in me."
They reject; Christ heals.
sing this haiku
March 29
Judges 4
God gave Deborah,
With Barak, the victory
Over Sisera.
sing this haiku
Judges 5
"Awake, Deborah.
Sing a song of praise to God
For all He has done."
sing this haiku
Judges 6
God raised Gideon
To destroy altars of Baal.
Then a sign of fleece.
sing this haiku
Luke 4:31-44
Jesus tells his home,
"Scripture is fulfilled in me."
They reject; Christ heals.
sing this haiku
March 30
Judges 7
Three hundred trumpets
Blown for God and Gideon
Routed Midian.
sing this haiku
Judges 8
Midian's two kings
And idolatry were thorns
In Gideon's side.
sing this haiku
Luke 5:1-16
Healing a leper
And then a paralyzed man,
Christ speaks of new wine.
sing this haiku
March 31
Judges 9
Killed by a woman,
Abimelech was repaid
For his evil deeds.
sing this haiku
Judges 10
Jews abandoned God.
Then, oppressed by Ammon, they
Put false gods away.
sing this haiku
Luke 5:17-39
Healing a leper
And then a paralyzed man,
Christ speaks of new wine.
sing this haiku
April 1
Judges 11
Jephthah wins Ammon.
By a foolish vow to God
He kills his daughter.
sing this haiku
Judges 12
Jephthah fights Ephraim.
Ibzan, Elon and Abdon
Then judged Israel.
sing this haiku
Luke 6:1-26
Jesus calls the twelve,
Teaches about the Sabbath,
Love, judgment, and figs.
sing this haiku
April 2
Judges 13
An angel of God
Tells Manoah and his wife
She will bear Samson.
sing this haiku
Judges 14
Samson was betrayed
By his wife when she begged for
Solving his riddle.
sing this haiku
Judges 15
Samson burned the fields
Of the Philistines and then
Killed them with jawbone.
sing this haiku
Luke 6:27-49
Jesus calls the twelve,
Teaches about the Sabbath,
Love, judgment, and figs.
sing this haiku
April 3
Judges 16
Traitor Delilah
Learns from Samson his weakness.
Hair led to his death.
sing this haiku
Judges 17
A Levite became
A priest to Micah who built
A silver idol.
sing this haiku
Judges 18
Then five Danite men
Steal Micah's silver idol
And make it their own.
sing this haiku
Luke 7:1-30
A dead son is raised.
"Judge me by the works I do.
Your faith has saved you."
sing this haiku
April 4
Judges 19
A man's concubine
Is cut into twelve pieces
Sent through Israel.
sing this haiku
Judges 20
All the other tribes
Fought Benjamin for the death
Of the concubine.
sing this haiku
Judges 21
To save Benjamin
From extinction, Israel
Gave wives from Shiloh.
sing this haiku
Luke 7:31-50
A dead son is raised.
"Judge me by the works I do.
Your faith has saved you."
sing this haiku
April 5
Ruth 1
Lost her husband and two sons.
Ruth would not leave her.
sing this haiku
Ruth 2
Ruth worked in the field
Of Boaz who noticed her.
He was next-of-kin.
sing this haiku
Ruth 3
Naomi prompts Ruth,
"Lay with Boaz in the field."
She laid at his feet.
sing this haiku
Ruth 4
Boaz redeemed Ruth
And took her to be his wife,
David's great grandma.
sing this haiku
Luke 8:1-25
Teaching parables,
Jesus calms a storm and says,
"Let your light shine bright."
sing this haiku
April 6
1 Samuel 1
Hannah had no child.
Bears a son named Samuel
And gives him to God.
sing this haiku
1 Samuel 2
Eli had two sons
Who had no regard for God.
Samu'l ministers.
sing this haiku
1 Samuel 3
The boy Samuel
Receives prophecy from God
And grows in Shiloh.
sing this haiku
Luke 8:26-56
Teaching parables,
Jesus calms a storm and says,
"Let your light shine bright."
sing this haiku
April 7
1 Samuel 4
Philistines prevail
Over Hebrews and then they
Take the ark of God.
sing this haiku
1 Samuel 5
With the ark of God,
Their god Dagon is destroyed.
People were afraid.
sing this haiku
1 Samuel 6
The ark was returned
To Levites at Beth-Shemesh
With great rejoicing.
sing this haiku
Luke 9:1-17
Five thousand are fed,
True greatness explained, and the
sing this haiku
April 8
1 Samuel 7
As judge, Samuel
Called Israel back to God,
And God gave them peace.
sing this haiku
1 Samuel 8
God warns Israel,
"Human kings will oppress you,"
But they wanted one.
sing this haiku
1 Samuel 9
While chasing donkeys,
Saul meets Samu'l, and the Lord
Said, "Anoint him king."
sing this haiku
Luke 9:18-38
Five thousand are fed,
True greatness explained, and the
sing this haiku
April 9
1 Samuel 10
Saul met with prophets.
Samu'l says that God is King,
Then points them to Saul.
sing this haiku
1 Samuel 11
God gave victory
To Saul when Nahash had said,
"Gouge out your right eyes."
sing this haiku
1 Samuel 12
You must obey God,
Heed His voice and not rebel.
Serve with all your heart.
sing this haiku
Luke 9:37-62
Five thousand are fed,
True greatness explained, and the
sing this haiku
April 10
1 Samuel 13
Samu'l did not come
So Saul burned an offering.
He did not trust God.
sing this haiku
1 Samuel 14
Saul's son, Jonathan,
(Led in battle, ate honey)
Saved by the people.
sing this haiku
Luke 10:1-24
Seventy are sent
To unrepentant cities.
Jesus praises them.
sing this haiku
April 11
1 Samuel 15
Saul spared King Agag,
Disobeying God's command,
And lost his kingdom.
sing this haiku
1 Samuel 16
Jesse had eight sons.
God chose David to be king;
Played the lyre for Saul.
sing this haiku
Luke 10:25-42
Seventy are sent
To unrepentant cities.
Jesus praises them.
sing this haiku
April 12
1 Samuel 17
Goliath was huge,
But David called upon God
And prevailed o'er him.
sing this haiku
1 Samuel 18
Saul became jealous
That the people loved David.
David weds Michal.
sing this haiku
Luke 11:1-28
Jesus teaches prayer
And denounces Pharisees
Who call him Satan.
sing this haiku
April 13
1 Samuel 19
Saul wants David dead,
But Jonathan and Michal
Help him to escape.
sing this haiku
1 Samuel 20
Saul's son loved David;
Saved his life with three arrows
Shot into a field.
sing this haiku
1 Samuel 21
Priests give holy bread
To feed David and his men
While he fled from Saul.
sing this haiku
Luke 11:29-54
Jesus teaches prayer
And denounces Pharisees
Who call him Satan.
sing this haiku
April 14
1 Samuel 22
Saul chases David;
Killed the priests who gave him bread
In the town of Nob.
sing this haiku
1 Samuel 23
David saves Keilah
From the Philistines, and then
Eludes Saul again.
sing this haiku
1 Samuel 24
David spares Saul's life,
Respecting God's anointed.
Saul speaks gratitude.
sing this haiku
Luke 12:1-34
Do not be afraid
If others do not believe.
You remain faithful.
sing this haiku
April 15
1 Samuel 25
David was angered
By Nabal, but Abigail
Pleaded for his life.
sing this haiku
1 Samuel 26
While Saul was sleeping,
David spares his life again,
Taking just his spear.
sing this haiku
Luke 12:35-59
Do not be afraid
If others do not believe.
You remain faithful.
sing this haiku
April 16
1 Samuel 27
When living in Gath,
David pillaged many towns
Of the Philistines.
sing this haiku
1 Samuel 28
Through a medium,
Samu'l tells Saul, "Tomorrow
You shall be with me."
sing this haiku
1 Samuel 29
Philistine's army
Does not want David with them
When they fight Jezreel.
sing this haiku
Luke 13:1-22
Telling parables,
Jesus heals and then laments
For Jerusalem.
sing this haiku
April 17
1 Samuel 30
The Amalekites
Sack Ziklag so David takes
Vengeance and much spoil.
sing this haiku
1 Samuel 31
Saul falls on his sword
And then men cut off his head.
Jabesh mourned for him.
sing this haiku
Luke 13:23-35
Telling parables,
Jesus heals and then laments
For Jerusalem.
sing this haiku
April 18
2 Samuel 1
The Amalekite
Who beheaded Saul is killed
By mourning David.
sing this haiku
2 Samuel 2
David becomes king
Of Judah, but Israel
Maintains their own king.
sing this haiku
Luke 14:1-24
"Take the lower place
At the great banquet." The cost
Of discipleship.
sing this haiku
April 19
2 Samuel 3
Abner switches sides
To be loyal to David,
But Joab kills him.
sing this haiku
2 Samuel 4
When they brought the head
Of Ishbaal to David he
Killed them at Hebron.
sing this haiku
2 Samuel 5
David then unites
Israel in one kingdom,
And fights Philistines.
sing this haiku
Luke 14:25-35
"Take the lower place
At the great banquet." The cost
Of discipleship.
sing this haiku
April 20
2 Samuel 6
David danced with joy
When they brought the ark of God
To Jerusalem.
sing this haiku
2 Samuel 7
Nathan tells David
God will bless him and to build
A house for the Lord.
sing this haiku
2 Samuel 8
David then subdues
Edom, Moab, Ammonites,
And the Philistines.
sing this haiku
Luke 15:1-10
Lost sheep and lost coins
Are like the prodigal son;
Joy when they return.
sing this haiku
April 21
2 Samuel 9
David wants to show
Saul's grandson Mephibosheth
Kindness and honor.
sing this haiku
2 Samuel 10
Because of Hanun,
David sent Joab to fight
The Arameans.
sing this haiku
2 Samuel 11
Bathsheba is seen
And taken by David who
Has Uriah killed.
sing this haiku
Luke 15:11-32
Lost sheep and lost coins
Are like the prodigal son;
Joy when they return.
sing this haiku
April 22
2 Samuel 12
Because of his sin,
David's house will have no peace.
Solomon is born.
sing this haiku
2 Samuel 13
Children of David:
Amnon raped Tamar and then
Absalom killed him.
sing this haiku
Luke 16
With little or much,
Be faithful with what God gives
For eternity.
sing this haiku
April 23
2 Samuel 14
Joab staged a play
To get Absalom back home;
Ignored for two years.
sing this haiku
2 Samuel 15
Absalom becomes
King in Hebron. David flees
From Jerusalem.
sing this haiku
Luke 17:1-19
The Kingdom of God
Is here when you forgive and
Exercise your faith.
sing this haiku
April 24
2 Samuel 16
David is abused
By Shimei and Absalom
And his concubines.
sing this haiku
2 Samuel 17
Hushai was a spy.
He warned David to escape
Across the Jordan.
sing this haiku
2 Samuel 18
Absalom is killed
By Joab who then sends word
To inform David.
sing this haiku
Luke 17:20-37
The Kingdom of God
Is here when you forgive and
Exercise your faith.
sing this haiku
April 25
2 Samuel 19
David fires Joab,
Then goes to Jerusalem
And shows much kindness.
sing this haiku
2 Samuel 20
Sheba would be king,
But Joab seizes power
And the head of him.
sing this haiku
Luke 18:1-17
Pursue justice and
Be merciful to all and
Be a little child.
sing this haiku
April 26
2 Samuel 21
Gibeon wanted
Seven sons of Saul to die.
David gathered bones.
sing this haiku
2 Samuel 22
The song of David
Thanking God for victory.
"Blessed be my rock."
sing this haiku
Luke 18:18-43
Pursue justice and
Be merciful to all and
Be a little child.
sing this haiku
April 27
2 Samuel 23
"One who rules justly
Is like the light of morning
In the fear of God."
sing this haiku
2 Samuel 24
After a census,
David asked that he alone
Bear the cost of sin.
sing this haiku
Luke 19:1-27
A guest of sinners,
Christ tells us to multiply
Gifts God has given.
sing this haiku
April 28
1 Kings 1
As David gets old,
Adonijah would be king
But for Solomon.
sing this haiku
1 Kings 2
"Beware of my foes,"
David warned before he died.
Solomon takes pow'r.
sing this haiku
Luke 19:28-48
A guest of sinners,
Christ tells us to multiply
Gifts God has given.
sing this haiku
April 29
1 Kings 3
Solomon's wisdom
Decides between two women
Fighting for a child.
sing this haiku
1 Kings 4
Solomon's kingdom
Became wealthy, and he was
Known for his wisdom.
sing this haiku
1 Kings 5
The king wants to build
A temple to worship God.
Hiram supplies wood.
sing this haiku
Luke 20:1-26
There was an owner
Of a vineyard with a son
Killed by the tenants.
sing this haiku
April 30
1 Kings 6
The temple was built
Lavishly. God will bless it
If all will obey.
sing this haiku
1 Kings 7
The king built his house,
And filled God's house with the things
From the old temple.
sing this haiku
Luke 20:27-47
There was an owner
Of a vineyard with a son
Killed by the tenants.
sing this haiku
May 1
1 Kings 8
The temple blessing:
"Hear in heav'n your dwelling place."
And then sacrifice.
sing this haiku
1 Kings 9
God appears again;
Warns the king to follow Him
So he can be blessed.
sing this haiku
Luke 21:1-19
The end will bring wars
And the Son of Man on clouds.
Be on guard and watch.
sing this haiku
May 2
1 Kings 10
The queen of Sheba
Visits Solomon to see
His wealth and wisdom.
sing this haiku
1 Kings 11
Many foreign wives
Led the king to worship gods;
Making God angry.
sing this haiku
Luke 21:20-38
The end will bring wars
And the Son of Man on clouds.
Be on guard and watch.
sing this haiku
May 3
1 Kings 12
After Solomon,
Northern tribes divide from south;
Each selects a king.
sing this haiku
1 Kings 13
When a man of God
Disobeyed God and ate food
A lion killed him.
sing this haiku
Luke 22:1-20
"This is my body.
This is my blood. Do this in
Remembrance of me."
sing this haiku
May 4
1 Kings 14
Prophet Ahijah
Said that God will curse the house
Of Jeroboam.
sing this haiku
1 Kings 15
Asa ruled Judah
Right with God, but King Baasha
Warred in Israel.
sing this haiku
Luke 22:21-46
"This is my body.
This is my blood. Do this in
Remembrance of me."
sing this haiku
May 5
1 Kings 16
King after king and
Sev'ral prophets come and go,
Then Ahab is king.
sing this haiku
1 Kings 17
Prophet Elijah
Fills a widow's jar with food
And revives her son.
sing this haiku
1 Kings 18
The prophets of Baal
Compete against Elijah,
But could not start fire.
sing this haiku
Luke 22:47-71
"This is my body.
This is my blood. Do this in
Remembrance of me."
sing this haiku
May 6
1 Kings 19
Elijah escapes
Jezebel, and then meets God
In a sheer silence.
sing this haiku
1 Kings 20
Ahab fought Aram
But did not kill Ben-hadad.
A prophet condemns.
sing this haiku
Luke 23:1-25
Shouting, "Crucify!"
They all sent Jesus to die
On a cross alone.
sing this haiku
May 7
1 Kings 21
Because Jezebel
Took the vineyard of Naboth
Dogs will lick her blood.
sing this haiku
1 Kings 22
King Jehoshaphat
And King Ahab fought Aram,
Urged by the prophets.
sing this haiku
Luke 23:26-56
Shouting, "Crucify!"e;
They all sent Jesus to die
On a cross alone.
sing this haiku
May 8
2 Kings 1
The Jews had no God
So fire killed a hundred men
When Elijah spoke.
sing this haiku
2 Kings 2
Elisha follows
When a whirlwind came from God
To take Elijah.
sing this haiku
2 Kings 3
Three kings united
Ask God for water when they
Defeated Moab.
sing this haiku
Luke 24:1-35
The stone rolled away,
("The Lord has risen indeed"),
Jesus granted peace.
sing this haiku
May 9
2 Kings 4
Four more miracles
Of Elisha: oil, feeding,
Life, and pot of stew.
sing this haiku
2 Kings 5
Naaman's leprosy
Was healed by Elisha, but
He refused a gift.
sing this haiku
2 Kings 6
God blinds Aram's men.
Then they feed Samarians
Who then ate their sons.
sing this haiku
Luke 24:36-53
The stone rolled away,
("The Lord has risen indeed"),
Jesus granted peace.
sing this haiku
May 10
2 Kings 7
Arameans flee.
Samaria comes to take
All their wealth away.
sing this haiku
2 Kings 8
Kings of Israel
Walked in the way of Ahab,
But God kept promise.
sing this haiku
2 Kings 9
Jehu kills Joram;
Becomes king of Israel
Anointed by God.
sing this haiku
John 1:1-28
In the beginning
Was the Word that became flesh
And is one with God.
sing this haiku
May 11
2 Kings 10
Ahab's descendants
And all worshippers of Baal
Jehu ordered killed.
sing this haiku
2 Kings 11
Joash becomes king.
Athaliah shouts, "Treason!"
Baal's house is destroyed.
sing this haiku
2 Kings 12
King Joash ordered
Money not to go to priests,
But to the workers.
sing this haiku
John 1:29-51
In the beginning
Was the Word that became flesh
And is one with God.
sing this haiku
May 12
2 Kings 13
Kings of Israel
Did what was evil to God,
And Elisha died.
sing this haiku
2 Kings 14
Israel went up
Against Judah and pillaged
The house of the Lord.
sing this haiku
John 2
Water turned to wine
And then tables overturned;
A gift, then warning.
sing this haiku
May 13
2 Kings 15
King Amaziah
Reigned with God while Israel
Had more evil kings.
sing this haiku
2 Kings 16
Judah's king Ahaz
Replaced the altar of God
With one of his own.
sing this haiku
John 3:1-21
God so loved the world
That He gave His only son
Born of the Spirit.
sing this haiku
May 14
2 Kings 17
Idols, high places
And sacred poles made God mad.
North was then captive.
sing this haiku
2 Kings 18
Hezekiah reigned
In Judah and tried to deal
With Assyria.
sing this haiku
John 3:22-38
God so loved the world
That He gave His only son
Born of the Spirit.
sing this haiku
May 15
2 Kings 19
The Lord hears the prayers
Of the king and Isaiah;
Kills Assyrians.
sing this haiku
2 Kings 20
God was with the king,
But he welcomed Babylon
And showed all his wealth.
sing this haiku
2 Kings 21
Manasseh rebuilt
High places and Baal's altars;
Causing God's anger.
sing this haiku
John 4:1-30
Jesus at a well
Explains living water and
He, the Messiah.
sing this haiku
May 16
2 Kings 22
The priest Hilkiah
Finds and brings the king the Law;
He was penitent.
sing this haiku
2 Kings 23
Josiah reforms
Judah by removing all
Altars to false gods.
sing this haiku
John 4:31-54
Jesus at a well
Explains living water and
He, the Messiah.
sing this haiku
May 17
2 Kings 24
Babylon came up
And besieged Jerusalem.
The exile begins.
sing this haiku
2 Kings 25
The house of the Lord
Was pilfered and then destroyed
By the Chaldeans.
sing this haiku
John 5:1-24
With authority,
Jesus heals a man to walk
And claims God's power.
sing this haiku
May 18
1 Chronicles 1
Adam to Noah,
Then descendants to Abram
Leading to Jacob.
sing this haiku
1 Chronicles 2
Jacob had twelve sons
Who were tribes of Israel
That had many sons.
sing this haiku
1 Chronicles 3
Among David's sons,
(Amnon, Daniel, Absalom),
There was Solomon.
sing this haiku
John 5:25-47
With authority,
Jesus heals a man to walk
And claims God's power.
sing this haiku
May 19
1 Chronicles 4
The sons of Judah
Are many and named. Then the
Sons of Simeon.
sing this haiku
1 Chronicles 5
First born son Reuben,
Gad and half of Manasseh
Were expert in war.
sing this haiku
1 Chronicles 6
The sons of Levi
And musicians of David;
Servants of the Lord.
sing this haiku
John 6:1-21
"You must eat of me,
For I am the bread of life."
Many turned away.
sing this haiku
May 20
1 Chronicles 7
Issachar, Asher,
Benjamin and Naphtali,
And sons of Ephraim.
sing this haiku
1 Chronicles 8
The Benjaminites
Became mighty warriors
For Jerusalem.
sing this haiku
1 Chronicles 9
By ancestral house,
There were priests and Levites and
Kindred of king Saul.
sing this haiku
John 6:22-44
"You must eat of me,
For I am the bread of life."
Many turned away.
sing this haiku
May 21
1 Chronicles 10
Saul was unfaithful
To the Lord so his kingdom
Was passed to David.
sing this haiku
1 Chronicles 11
David's mighty men
And the Three led by Joab
And thirty with him.
sing this haiku
1 Chronicles 12
David in Ziklag
Built an army then went to
Hebron to be king.
sing this haiku
John 6:45-71
"You must eat of me,
For I am the bread of life."
Many turned away.
sing this haiku
May 22
1 Chronicles 13
Uzzah touched the ark
So God killed him. The ark went
To Obed-edom.
sing this haiku
1 Chronicles 14
David took more wives.
God delivered Philistine
Into David's hands.
sing this haiku
1 Chronicles 15
David gathered priests
To bring the ark to Zion
With music and dance.
sing this haiku
John 7:1-31
"My teaching is God's,
And you know where I am from,
Like living water."
sing this haiku
May 23
1 Chronicles 16
Blessing of the ark:
Ascribe glory to the Lord.
Joy is in His place.
sing this haiku
1 Chronicles 17
Nathan tells David,
"You shall not build God a house."
He bows to the Lord.
sing this haiku
1 Chronicles 18
As his kingdom grows,
David dedicates to God
All the spoils of war.
sing this haiku
John 7:31-53
"My teaching is God's,
And you know where I am from,
Like living water."
sing this haiku
May 24
1 Chronicles 19
After Hanun's shame,
David and Joab defeat
Ammon and Aram.
sing this haiku
1 Chronicles 20
David took the crown
Of Milcom, then with Joab
Killed giants in Gath.
sing this haiku
1 Chronicles 21
God sent pestilence
Before David repented
For taking census.
sing this haiku
John 8:1-27
Jesus says to them,
"I am the light of the world.
God glorifies me."
sing this haiku
May 25
1 Chronicles 22
Because of his wars,
David said to Solomon,
"You shall build God's house."
sing this haiku
1 Chronicles 23
David organized
The Levites to serve the Lord
In Jerusalem.
sing this haiku
1 Chronicles 24
Eleazar and
Ithamar, sons of Aaron,
Father of the priests.
sing this haiku
John 8:31-59
Jesus says to them,
"I am the light of the world.
God glorifies me."
sing this haiku
May 26
1 Chronicles 25
The sons of Asaph
Exalted God with music
For generations.
sing this haiku
1 Chronicles 26
There were gatekeepers
Appointed, and treasurers,
Officers, judges.
sing this haiku
1 Chronicles 27
The military
Was divided, and leaders
Chosen for the tribes.
sing this haiku
John 9:1-23
God's work reveals that
The spiritually blind
Cannot see the Christ.
sing this haiku
May 27
1 Chronicles 28
David gives the plan
For the temple to be built;
All direct from God.
sing this haiku
1 Chronicles 29
David provided
All the things to build God's house,
Then said, "Bless the Lord."
sing this haiku
John 9:24-41
God's work reveals that
The spiritually blind
Cannot see the Christ.
sing this haiku
May 28
2 Chronicles 1
God tells Solomon,
"Ask what I should give to you."
He asks for wisdom.
sing this haiku
2 Chronicles 2
King Huram of Tyre
And thousands of men were used
To build the temple.
sing this haiku
2 Chronicles 3
On Mount Moriah
The temple was built with gold
Overlaid on walls.
sing this haiku
John 10:1-21
Jesus is the gate
For those who can hear his voice,
And the good shepherd.
sing this haiku
May 29
2 Chronicles 4
The gold furnishings:
Altar, tables, and lampstands,
Doors and implements.
sing this haiku
2 Chronicles 5
The ark of the Lord,
Under wings of cherubim,
Brought into God's house.
sing this haiku
2 Chronicles 6
"Please hear us, O God,
When we pray within your house,
And forgive our sin."
sing this haiku
John 10:22-42
Jesus is the gate
For those who can hear his voice,
And the good shepherd.
sing this haiku
May 30
2 Chronicles 7
Glory filled God's house
Dedication seven days.
"Obey me," God said.
sing this haiku
2 Chronicles 8
Solomon gained wealth
And power throughout the land,
And kept festivals.
sing this haiku
2 Chronicles 9
The queen of Sheba
Tested Solomon's wisdom
Surpassed by his wealth.
sing this haiku
John 11:1-27
Jesus tells Martha,
"I am the resurrection,"
Then Lazarus rose.
sing this haiku
May 31
2 Chronicles 10
King Rehoboam
Ignored advice from old men
And caused division.
sing this haiku
2 Chronicles 11
Judah is made strong.
Priests and Levites return home,
Leaving Israel.
sing this haiku
2 Chronicles 12
God saved Judah when
They repented from their sin.
Egypt took much wealth.
sing this haiku
John 11:28-57
Jesus tells Martha,
"I am the resurrection,"
Then Lazarus rose.
sing this haiku
June 1
2 Chronicles 13
Judah worshipped God.
Israel had many gods;
God defeated them.
sing this haiku
2 Chronicles 14
God gave Asa peace
For ten years, then war against
sing this haiku
John 12:1-26
Jesus cried aloud,
"Whoever sees me sees God!"
Many did not see.
sing this haiku
June 2
2 Chronicles 15
Asa led Judah
Back to God with heart and soul.
There was no more war.
sing this haiku
2 Chronicles 16
Asa asked Aram
To help defeat Israel.
This made the Lord mad.
sing this haiku
John 12:27-50
Jesus cried aloud,
"Whoever sees me sees God!"
Many did not see.
sing this haiku
June 3
2 Chronicles 17
King Jehoshaphat
Built strong cities in Judah
And taught them God's Law.
sing this haiku
2 Chronicles 18
Prophet Macaiah
Warned the kings about war with
sing this haiku
John 13:1-20
Jesus washed their feet
And told them to love like this
As a new command.
sing this haiku
June 4
2 Chronicles 19
"In Jerusalem,
Fear the Lord in faithfulness
And with all your heart."
sing this haiku
2 Chronicles 20
Countries from the east
Attacked Judah, but God gave
Victory and joy.
sing this haiku
John 13:21-38
Jesus washed their feet
And told them to love like this
As a new command.
sing this haiku
June 5
2 Chronicles 21
Evil Jehoram
Led Judah away from God.
Elijah warns him.
sing this haiku
2 Chronicles 22
Wars between the kings
Lets Athaliah seize pow'r
Though she's a woman.
sing this haiku
John 14
The way and the truth
And the life is in Jesus
Sending God's spirit.
sing this haiku
June 6
2 Chronicles 23
Priest Jehoiada
Organized the house of God
And made Joash king.
sing this haiku
2 Chronicles 24
Joash collects funds
To repair the house of God,
But then turns away.
sing this haiku
John 15
"I am the true vine.
You are my fruit and branches.
The world hated me."
sing this haiku
June 7
2 Chronicles 25
King Amaziah
Tried for peace with Israel,
But it displeased God.
sing this haiku
2 Chronicles 26
Uzziah loved God
And did good until his pride
Caused apostasy.
sing this haiku
2 Chronicles 27
Jotham in Judah
Fought against the Ammonites
With God on his side.
sing this haiku
John 16
The Holy Spirit
Will turn their sorrow to joy
As Jesus gives peace.
sing this haiku
June 8
2 Chronicles 28
When Israel took
Judah captive, God said, "No,
Return your kindred."
sing this haiku
2 Chronicles 29
King Hezekiah
Cleansed and sanctified Judah
With burnt offerings.
sing this haiku
John 17
Jesus prays, "Father,
All mine are yours. Protect them
And sanctify them."
sing this haiku
June 9
2 Chronicles 30
The great Passover
Was held in Jerusalem
With hearts turned to God.
sing this haiku
2 Chronicles 31
Judah tore down shrines
As they brought their tithes to God
And restored the priests.
sing this haiku
John 18:1-18
Betrayed by Judas,
Denied by Peter; Jesus
Sent to die alone.
sing this haiku
June 10
2 Chronicles 32
When Assyria
Came to take Judah captive,
God's angel prevailed.
sing this haiku
2 Chronicles 33
After he rebuilt
Altars to Baal, Manasseh
Suffered then restored.
sing this haiku
John 18:19-40
Betrayed by Judas,
Denied by Peter; Jesus
Sent to die alone.
sing this haiku
June 11
2 Chronicles 34
When the Law was found,
The king called the people to
Renew covenant.
sing this haiku
2 Chronicles 35
Josiah renewed
Passover and festivals
Of unleavened bread.
sing this haiku
2 Chronicles 36
After some bad kings,
Judah was in Babylon
Until Cyrus reigned.
sing this haiku
John 19:1-22
Jews cried, "Crucify!"
On the cross Christ bled and died.
Joseph gave a tomb.
sing this haiku
June 12
Ezra 1
God stirred King Cyrus
To build a temple for Him
In Jerusalem.
sing this haiku
Ezra 2
The names of exiles
Returning along with priests,
Levites and singers.
sing this haiku
John 19:23-42
Jews cried, "Crucify!"
On the cross Christ bled and died.
Joseph gave a tomb.
sing this haiku
Ezra 3
Worship was restored
And the foundation was laid
For the house of God.
sing this haiku
Ezra 4
Natives of the land
Stopped the Jews from rebuilding
Beyond the River.
sing this haiku
Ezra 5
Rebuilding resumed
When prophets of God sent word
To King Darius.
sing this haiku
John 20
Mary Magdalene
Brought disciples to the tomb.
Jesus spoke to them.
sing this haiku
June 14
Ezra 6
The temple was built
By decrees from Persian kings.
Passover restored.
sing this haiku
Ezra 7
King Artaxerxes
Sends Ezra, Jews and their wealth
Beyond the River.
sing this haiku
Ezra 8
With fasting and prayer
And division of the wealth,
Israel returned.
sing this haiku
John 21
Jesus appearing,
Gives abundance and forgives,
Then says, "Follow me."
sing this haiku
June 15
Ezra 9
This is Ezra's prayer:
"Thank you God for our remnant.
Keep our bloodline pure."
sing this haiku
Ezra 10
The people respond
By rejecting foreign wives;
Sending them away.
sing this haiku
Acts 1
You will be baptized
By the Holy Spirit with
Jesus ascending.
sing this haiku
June 16
Nehemiah 1
Nehemiah prays
For the people, and that he
Be God's good servant.
sing this haiku
Nehemiah 2
King Artaxerxes
Grants that Nehemiah lead
Rebuilding Judah.
sing this haiku
Nehemiah 3
To rebuild the wall,
Many families built gates
Next to each other.
sing this haiku
Acts 2:1-21
Day of Pentecost;
All were amazed and perplexed.
Three thousand repent.
sing this haiku
June 17
Nehemiah 4
While some people worked
On the wall, others guarded
Against enemies.
sing this haiku
Nehemiah 5
Nehemiah stopped
Jews oppressing their kindred,
And was generous.
sing this haiku
Nehemiah 6
Amid plots and schemes
By enemies of Judah
The wall was finished.
sing this haiku
Acts 2:22-47
Day of Pentecost;
All were amazed and perplexed.
Three thousand repent.
sing this haiku
June 18
Nehemiah 7
Guards are appointed
At the gates, and a census
Of returned exiles.
sing this haiku
Nehemiah 8
Ezra reads God's Law,
From morning until midday,
Aloud to people.
sing this haiku
Nehemiah 9
Ezra praises God
And remembers all He's done
While Israel sinned.
sing this haiku
Acts 3
Peter heals and speaks
In the name of Jesus who
Fulfills prophecy.
sing this haiku
June 19
Nehemiah 10
People sign an oath
To obey God's commandments
And to tithe first fruits.
sing this haiku
Nehemiah 11
The holy city
Housed one tenth of the people,
The rest lived in towns.
sing this haiku
Acts 4:1-22
Arrested by Jews
For bold speaking and prayer, they
Share everything.
sing this haiku
June 20
Nehemiah 12
The priests and Levites
Resumed duties as servants
In the house of God.
sing this haiku
Nehemiah 13
Nehemiah said,
"Keep the Sabbath day holy,
And remember me."
sing this haiku
Acts 4:23-37
Arrested by Jews
For bold speaking and prayer, they
Share everything.
sing this haiku
June 21
Esther 1
King Ahasuerus
Decreed that a man should be
Master of his house.
sing this haiku
Esther 2
Beautiful Esther
Replaced Vashti as the queen
And saved the king's life.
sing this haiku
Acts 5:1-21
While healing many
They were persecuted, but
Proclaimed Jesus Lord.
sing this haiku
June 22
Esther 3
All Jews will be killed
Because they would not bow down
As Haman had said.
sing this haiku
Esther 4
A fast for Esther
When Mordecai seeks her help
To save all the Jews.
sing this haiku
Esther 5
Esther plans a feast;
Invites the king and Haman
Who hates Mordecai.
sing this haiku
Acts 5:22-42
While healing many
They were persecuted, but
Proclaimed Jesus Lord.
sing this haiku
June 23
Esther 6
Haman advises
The king who wants to honor
One who saved his life.
sing this haiku
Esther 7
Esther tells the king
That Haman had deceived him
And planned to kill her.
sing this haiku
Esther 8
Along with Esther,
Mordecai pleads with the king
Who had Haman hung.
sing this haiku
Acts 6
Seven were chosen
To devote their lives to prayer.
Many priests repent.
sing this haiku
June 24
Esther 9
The feast of Purim
Remembers how Jews were saved
By Esther's wisdom.
sing this haiku
Esther 10
King Ahasuerus
Gave power to Mordecai,
A Jew, with honor.
sing this haiku
Acts 7:1-21
Stephen speaks with pow'r
Telling Jews that they had killed
The true Son of God.
sing this haiku
June 25
Job 1
Satan roams the earth;
Wants to test the faith of Job.
God gives permission.
sing this haiku
Job 2
Job is inflicted.
His wife says he should curse God.
Three friends visit him.
sing this haiku
Acts 7:22-43
Stephen speaks with pow'r
Telling Jews that they had killed
The true Son of God.
sing this haiku
June 26
Job 3
"I am not at ease
And curse the day I was born."
Job's groaning pours out.
sing this haiku
Job 4
Eliphaz then speaks,
"God puts no trust in humans
Who have no wisdom."
sing this haiku
Acts 7:44-60
Stephen speaks with pow'r
Telling Jews that they had killed
The true Son of God.
sing this haiku
June 27
Job 5
God will deliver.
You shall not fear destruction
In your ripe old age.
sing this haiku
Job 6
"Unrelenting pain,
Crush me and cut me off. My
Friends are melting snow."
sing this haiku
Job 7
"My life is a breath.
You terrify me with dreams
And I loathe my life."
sing this haiku
Acts 8:1-25
Saul watched Stephen die.
Philip proclaims the Good News,
Teaches and baptized.
sing this haiku
June 28
Job 8
Bildad says, "Repent.
Our days are but a shadow.
God loves the blameless."
sing this haiku
Job 9
God is wise in heart.
Though I am innocent, I
Cannot answer Him.
sing this haiku
Job 10
Do not condemn me.
Remember you fashioned me
With skin, flesh and bone.
sing this haiku
Acts 8:26-40
Saul watched Stephen die.
Philip proclaims the Good News,
Teaches and baptized.
sing this haiku
June 29
Job 11
Zophar thinks Job mocks
God by saying he is pure.
"Quit iniquity."
sing this haiku
Job 12
"Yes, I am blameless.
Animals, birds, plants, and fish
Know what God has done."
sing this haiku
Job 13
"Let me have silence.
I am like a wind blown leaf.
I'll defend my ways."
sing this haiku
Acts 9:1-21
Saul is struck with light,
Hears Jesus, goes blind, and then
Sees the truth of Christ.
sing this haiku
June 30
Job 14
The mountains crumble.
Water washes soil away.
God destroys mortals.
sing this haiku
Job 15
Then friend Eliphaz
Says Job turns from God's spirit
With deceitful heart.
sing this haiku
Job 16
"You speak windy words.
My face is red with weeping
And my prayer is pure."
sing this haiku
Acts 9:22-43
Saul is struck with light,
Hears Jesus, goes blind, and then
Sees the truth of Christ.
sing this haiku
July 1
Job 17
"My grave is ready.
My friends lack understanding.
Where then is my hope?"
sing this haiku
Job 18
Traps for the wicked
Consume their light and children;
Their branches wither.
sing this haiku
Job 19
"Ten times you wrong me;
Have pity on me, my friends.
My flesh shall see God."
sing this haiku
Acts 10:1-23
Peter in a trance
Learns that God makes all things clean
Even the Gentiles.
sing this haiku
July 2
Job 20
The godless perish
And darkness is their treasure
The day of God's wrath.
sing this haiku
Job 21
The wicked live on
Desiring not to know God.
Worms will cover them.
sing this haiku
Acts 10:24-48
Peter in a trance
Learns that God makes all things clean
Even the Gentiles.
sing this haiku
July 3
Job 22
God will come to you
If you treat gold like dust, and
Take His Word to heart.
sing this haiku
Job 23
"I have kept God's way
And His Word in my bosom,
Yet my heart is faint."
sing this haiku
Job 24
"The wicked are free
And friends of the deep darkness.
Who will prove me wrong?"
sing this haiku
Acts 11
The uncircumcised
Receive the Holy Spirit.
Church in Antioch.
sing this haiku
July 4
Job 25
Dominion is God's.
Stars are not pure in His sight.
Mortals are maggots.
sing this haiku
Job 26
God covers the moon
With His clouds, and stills the sea
With winds of heaven.
sing this haiku
Job 27
"The spirit of God
Is my integrity that
I will not conceal."
sing this haiku
Acts 12
James killed by the sword.
Peter is set free from jail
By the Lord's angel.
sing this haiku
July 5
Job 28
Where is wisdom found?
Not in mortals, gold or sea,
But in God alone.
sing this haiku
Job 29
"In the months of old,
Nobles and princes listened
For me as for spring."
sing this haiku
Acts 13:1-25
Paul and Barnabus
Spread the Good News in Cyprus
And in Antioch.
sing this haiku
July 6
Job 30
"They mock me in song.
I'm in the roar of the storm,
And in sunless gloom."
sing this haiku
Job 31
"God sees all my ways.
I have not let my mouth sin
Nor had pride in wealth."
sing this haiku
Acts 13:26-52
Paul and Barnabus
Spread the Good News in Cyprus
And in Antioch.
sing this haiku
July 7
Job 32
Elihu answers,
"Age does not bring wisdom, and
No one answered Job."
sing this haiku
Job 33
"God speaks in a dream;
Turning man away from pride
To the light of life."
sing this haiku
Acts 14
Paul bit by a snake.
Greeks thought he was a god, but
Then tried to stone him.
sing this haiku
July 8
Job 34
There is none like Job.
God's eyes are upon mortals
To judge us justly.
sing this haiku
Job 35
God makes us wiser.
His anger does not punish.
Job speaks empty talk.
sing this haiku
Acts 15:1-21
In Jerusalem,
They decided that Gentiles
Not be circumcised.
sing this haiku
July 9
Job 36
God gives hope to kings
And distills His mist in rain.
Surely God is good.
sing this haiku
Job 37
God's voice is thunder
That speaks to snow, rain and clouds;
All God's majesty.
sing this haiku
Acts 15:22-41
In Jerusalem,
They decided that Gentiles
Not be circumcised.
sing this haiku
July 10
Job 38
God finally speaks;
"I will question you. Tell me,
Who creates nature?"
sing this haiku
Job 39
"Who makes animals
And gives each its character?
Is it your wisdom?"
sing this haiku
Job 40
"Is your arm like God,
With strength like the Behemoth
Whose limbs are iron?"
sing this haiku
Job 41
The Leviathon
Leaves a shining wake behind
Its awesome power.
sing this haiku
Acts 16:1-21
See Paul freed from prison by
Angels of the Lord.
sing this haiku
July 11
Job 42
God can do all things.
Job's fortune is twice restored
With lovely daughters.
sing this haiku
Acts 16:22-40
See Paul freed from prison by
Angels of the Lord.
sing this haiku
July 12
Psalm 1
Meditating streams
Prosper and delight in God
Every season.
sing this haiku
Psalm 2
Wisdom’s heritage
Will laugh on a holy hill
Like the potter’s clay.
sing this haiku
Psalm 3
Glory raising up
Ten thousand shields to lift heads
For deliverance.
sing this haiku
Acts 17:1-15
Jesus is proclaimed
And debated with the great
Greek philosophers.
sing this haiku
July 13
Psalm 4
Silent light shines peace.
Grace abounds to ponder joy
Set apart for prayer.
sing this haiku
Psalm 5
In the morning sigh,
There is abundant refuge
With rejoicing song.
sing this haiku
Psalm 6
Deliverance grace,
Languishing in steadfast love,
Can heal forever.
sing this haiku
Acts 17:16-34
Jesus is proclaimed
And debated with the great
Greek philosophers.
sing this haiku
July 14
Psalm 7
Awake and sing praise!
The Most High has gathered up
Integrity flames.
sing this haiku
Psalm 8
Fingers of the sky
Crowned with the moon and the stars
Are God’s majesty.
sing this haiku
Psalm 9
Zion equity.
Exalted wonderful deeds
Enthroned forever.
sing this haiku
Acts 18
Corinth, Antioch,
Achaia, and Ephesus
Receive the Good News.
sing this haiku
July 15
Psalm 10
Orphan hearts and grief
In your hands forever, Lord,
Seek strength and prosper.
sing this haiku
Psalm 11
Behold, righteous gaze,
The upright throne of heaven
And the face of God.
sing this haiku
Psalm 12
Faithful promises
Are purified and refined
For generations.
sing this haiku
Acts 19:1-20
Paul, in Ephesus,
Says idols of Artemis
Have no pow'r at all.
sing this haiku
July 16
Psalm 13
Sing, bountiful soul,
And consider steadfast love
As light forever.
sing this haiku
Psalm 14
The bread of heaven,
Restoring glad company,
Calls wisdom fortune.
sing this haiku
Psalm 15
Innocence dwelling
In tents of honor and truth
Abide blamelessly.
sing this haiku
Acts 19:21-41
Paul, in Ephesus,
Says idols of Artemis
Have no pow'r at all.
sing this haiku
July 17
Psalm 16
God's chosen portion
Delights in pleasant places
Noble and secure.
sing this haiku
Psalm 17
Wing shadows of God
Satisfy wonderful prayer
Guarding ear and eye.
sing this haiku
Acts 20:1-16
Paul's farewell to Greece;
"Be alert, receive God's grace;
You are sanctified."
sing this haiku
July 18
Psalm 18
Humble girded love
Delivered triumphant strength
With loyal brightness
sing this haiku
Psalm 19
God's voice enlightens
Meditations of the heart
And the firmament.
sing this haiku
Acts 20:17-38
Paul's farewell to Greece;
"Be alert, receive God's grace;
You are sanctified."
sing this haiku
July 19
Psalm 20
Anointed heaven
Remembers joy and favors
What the heart desires.
sing this haiku
Psalm 21
Crown of heart's desire,
Rich in majesty, be praised
With lips of fine gold.
sing this haiku
Psalm 22
Holy vows of awe
Enthroning trust in the womb
Of God's dominion.
sing this haiku
Acts 21:1-17
Paul is warned in Tyre,
"Jerusalem is not safe."
He is arrested.
sing this haiku
July 20
Psalm 23
Mercy overflows
With goodness by still waters
Where the shepherd dwells.
sing this haiku
Psalm 24
Holy ancient doors
Ascend to the face of God
Like gates to the sea.
sing this haiku
Psalm 25
Mindful covenant
Teaches faithfulness to soul
And integrity.
sing this haiku
Acts 21:18-40
Paul is warned in Tyre,
"Jerusalem is not safe."
He is arrested.
sing this haiku
July 21
Psalm 26
Wondrous heart and mind
Walk and abide in the Lord
Singing steadfast love.
sing this haiku
Psalm 27
A shelter of light
Is a home for the living
Beauty of the Lord.
sing this haiku
Psalm 28
Anointed shepherd,
Be forever blessed in song
And sanctuary.
sing this haiku
Acts 22
Paul defends himself.
He tells how he heard Jesus;
And he is Roman.
sing this haiku
July 22
Psalm 29
The God of glory
Ascribes to the waters peace,
Power and splendor.
sing this haiku
Psalm 30
God's people give thanks
While dancing in faithfulness
And prosperity.
sing this haiku
Acts 23:1-15
Paul creates chaos
With debate among the scribes
And escapes ambush.
sing this haiku
July 23
Psalm 31
Fortress of spirit,
Shine and be gracious refuge
For abundant love.
sing this haiku
Psalm 32
In God's hiding place
Mighty waters shout for joy
And deliverance.
sing this haiku
Acts 23:16-35
Paul creates chaos
With debate among the scribes
And escapes ambush.
sing this haiku
July 24
Psalm 33
Sing praise and rejoice,
Awesome heritage of God,
With strings, lyre and soul.
sing this haiku
Psalm 34
Radiant angels
Bless and magnify children
Humbled and redeemed.
sing this haiku
Acts 24
The resurrection
Is the reason for Paul's trial
And his custody.
sing this haiku
July 25
Psalm 35
Rise up evermore,
Mighty throngs. Rejoice in wind
Waking up the soul.
sing this haiku
Psalm 36
The fountain of life
Flies on wings of delight like
Precious steadfast love.
sing this haiku
Acts 25
Paul says to Festus,
"I am innocent by law."
Sent to Aggripa.
sing this haiku
July 26
Psalm 37
Wisdom and posterity
Shine in faithful hearts.
sing this haiku
Psalm 38
God of salvation
Will answer with sound advice
And make haste with help.
sing this haiku
Psalm 39
The shadow of prayer,
Silent and still as a smile,
Guards the breath of life.
sing this haiku
Acts 26
"I am first a Jew
Who met Jesus and was changed,
And I pray for you."
sing this haiku
July 27
Psalm 40
Great congregations
Proclaim mercy and glad news
Singing songs of praise.
sing this haiku
Psalm 41
Everlasting Lord;
Triumphant integrity
Forever. Amen
sing this haiku
Psalm 42
Throngs and flowing streams
Behold waves and festivals
Shouting from the deep.
sing this haiku
Acts 27:1-26
Paul sets sail for Rome.
A storm at sea wrecks his ship;
He swims to Malta.
sing this haiku
July 28
Psalm 43
Refuge, light and truth
Dwelling with exceeding joy
On God's holy hill.
sing this haiku
Psalm 44
Secrets of the heart
Rise up and give victory
To God's countenance.
sing this haiku
Psalm 45
Gladness overflows
As glory and grace endure
sing this haiku
Acts 27:27-44
Paul sets sail for Rome.
A storm at sea wrecks his ship;
He swims to Malta.
sing this haiku
July 29
Psalm 46
Mountains shake; be still.
Waters roar and foam; be still.
Morning dawns; be still.
sing this haiku
Psalm 47
The trumpets shout praise
For the awesome heritage
Singing songs of joy.
sing this haiku
Psalm 48
Rejoice with great joy!
Ponder the elevation
Of God's victory.
sing this haiku
Acts 28
Finally in Rome,
Paul says salvation belongs
To Jews and Gentiles.
sing this haiku
July 30
Psalm 49
Music of the harp
Provides a home for the soul
And ancient wisdom.
sing this haiku
Psalm 50
Faithful ones honor
The perfection of heaven
And keep covenant.
sing this haiku
Romans 1
Grace to you and peace
The righteous will live by faith.
Fools claim to be wise.
sing this haiku
July 31
Psalm 51
Delight of clean hearts,
Renew abundant mercy
With blameless spirit.
sing this haiku
Psalm 52
The green olive tree
Will laugh in the house of God
With good steadfast love.
sing this haiku
Psalm 53
Wise people rejoice.
Be glad of deliverance
And seek after good.
sing this haiku
Romans 2
God's righteous judgment
Shows no partiality
When He views our heart.
sing this haiku
August 1
Psalm 54
God is triumphant
And mighty in faithfulness
Saving youthful souls.
sing this haiku
Psalm 55
In the house of God,
Fly away on wings unharmed
And attend to prayer.
sing this haiku
Psalm 56
Gracious light of life,
O Most High deliverer,
Trust our vows of praise.
sing this haiku
Romans 3
The power of sin
Can only be silenced by
Righteousness through faith.
sing this haiku
August 2
Psalm 57
Harp and lyre extend
With glory over the earth
Heaven's melody.
sing this haiku
Psalm 58
Bathed in righteousness,
Our Lord will fairly decree
A sure rejoicing.
sing this haiku
Psalm 59
Laugh and sing aloud.
The fortress of love and strength
Protects the morning.
sing this haiku
Romans 4
Abraham could not
Boast of his works. Abraham
Was righteous by faith.
sing this haiku
August 3
Psalm 60
Love's exultation
Fortifies sanctuary
And restores promise.
sing this haiku
Psalm 61
The generations
Abide on wings of the heart
Enduring in prayer.
sing this haiku
Psalm 62
Silence in the soul,
Like a fortress not shaken,
Will be God's refuge.
sing this haiku
Romans 5
While we were sinners
Christ died to set us free from
The death of Adam.
sing this haiku
August 4
Psalm 63
In sanctuary,
Even the shadows rejoice
And praise God's glory.
sing this haiku
Psalm 64
Hear what God has done;
The upright heart finds refuge
And ponders glory.
sing this haiku
Psalm 65
The meadows are crowned
And filled with rich grain to be
A river of God.
sing this haiku
Romans 6
When we die with Christ
We share his resurrection
And freedom from sin.
sing this haiku
August 5
Psalm 66
Make a joyful noise
With awesome praise forever
Blessing steadfast love.
sing this haiku
Psalm 67
The nations sing joy
Revering God's equity,
Power and blessing.
sing this haiku
Romans 7
Life in the spirit
Conflicts with life in the flesh.
Christ will rescue us.
sing this haiku
August 6
Psalm 68
Mighty mountains sing
Tidings of jubilant praise
Joyful in the clouds.
sing this haiku
Psalm 69
Magnify the Lord
Who revives children of zeal
With fasting and prayer.
sing this haiku
Romans 8:1-21
Free from sin and death,
All hope depends on God's love
That will not leave us.
sing this haiku
August 7
Psalm 70
Rejoice! God is great
Forever, and is always
Pleased to deliver.
sing this haiku
Psalm 71
Strong fortress of hope,
Continually comfort
With more and more joy.
sing this haiku
Romans 8:22-39
Free from sin and death,
All hope depends on God's love
That will not leave us.
sing this haiku
August 8
Psalm 72
Sun and moon blossom
On fields of prosperity.
Amen and Amen
sing this haiku
Psalm 73
The pure heart of God
Guides and desires the upright
In sanctuary.
sing this haiku
Romans 9:1-15
Children of promise
Are heirs to God's grace, and Christ
Is the cornerstone.
sing this haiku
August 9
Psalm 74
God's luminaries
Dwell in the holy places
Formed in days of old.
sing this haiku
Psalm 75
Foaming wine sings praise.
God's inhabitants give thanks.
Rejoice forever.
sing this haiku
Psalm 76
Inspired vows uttered
On everlasting mountains
Know God's name is great.
sing this haiku
Romans 9:16-33
Children of promise
Are heirs to God's grace, and Christ
Is the cornerstone.
sing this haiku
August 10
Psalm 77
Holy steadfast love
Promises mighty waters
And wonders of old.
sing this haiku
Psalm 78
Drink God's covenant
Established abundantly
With glorious deeds.
sing this haiku
Romans 10
For your salvation
Call on the name of the Lord
With all of your heart.
sing this haiku
August 11
Psalm 79
The bosom of God
Preserves sevenfold glory
For inheritance.
sing this haiku
Psalm 80
Enthroned cherubim,
Restore the land and make strong
With life shining forth.
sing this haiku
Romans 11:1-18
Jews and Gentiles are
From God, through God, and to God.
All are grafted in.
sing this haiku
August 12
Psalm 81
The sweet lyre and harp
Sing loud on the festal day
God's own secret place.
sing this haiku
Psalm 82
The divine council
Of the Most High gives justice
To children nations.
sing this haiku
Psalm 83
Whirling dust be still
In the peace of the Most High
Over all the earth.
sing this haiku
Romans 11:19-36
Jews and Gentiles are
From God, through God, and to God.
All are grafted in.
sing this haiku
August 13
Psalm 84
Sparrows and swallows
Sing joy at the place of springs
Anointed by God.
sing this haiku
Psalm 85
Faithful steadfast love
Springs up to kiss salvation
For those who speak peace.
sing this haiku
Psalm 86
Devoted glory
Teaching undivided hearts
To bow down in prayer
sing this haiku
Romans 12
We are one in Christ,
All members of one body
Ardent in spirit.
sing this haiku
August 14
Psalm 87
Singers and dancers
Born in the springs of Zion
Speak glorious things.
sing this haiku
Psalm 88
Prayers of the morning
Call on the Lord with spread hands
To be saving help.
sing this haiku
Romans 13
Love one another
And respect authority.
Become Christ's body.
sing this haiku
August 15
Psalm 89
Heavenly beings,
Like the raging of the sea,
Exalt God. Amen
sing this haiku
Psalm 90
Everlasting Lord,
Dreams, like a watch in the night,
Satisfy the soul.
sing this haiku
Romans 14
We live to the Lord
As we do not pass judgment.
We'll stand before God.
sing this haiku
August 16
Psalm 91
Satisfied refuge
In love with the Almighty
Shelters the angels.
sing this haiku
Psalm 92
Palm trees, lute and harp
Sing for joy and give you thanks
Joyfully, O Lord.
sing this haiku
Psalm 93
Mighty waters wave
And lift up in holiness
A majestic robe.
sing this haiku
Romans 15:1-13
Live in harmony.
Be filled with hope and all joy.
In Jesus we boast.
sing this haiku
August 17
Psalm 94
Shine on humankind
Consolations for the soul
And cheerful wisdom.
sing this haiku
Psalm 95
The mountains above
Sing and make a joyful noise
To hands that formed them.
sing this haiku
Psalm 96
Truth and glory are
Marvelous sanctuaries
That sing to the Lord.
sing this haiku
Romans 15:14-33
Live in harmony.
Be filled with hope and all joy.
In Jesus we boast.
sing this haiku
August 18
Psalm 97
Far above Zion
Love proclaims a holy name
And light dawns with joy.
sing this haiku
Psalm 98
The floods clap their hands
Together in victory
With a joyous song.
sing this haiku
Psalm 99
Like pillars of clouds,
Awesome lovers of justice
Stand with cherubim.
sing this haiku
Romans 16
Paul commends servants
For a holy kiss. Glory
To Christ forever.
sing this haiku
August 19
Psalm 100
Pastures of gladness
Sing praise of enduring love
With a joyful noise.
sing this haiku
Psalm 101
Faithful loyalty,
Like integrity of heart,
Ministers and sings.
sing this haiku
Psalm 102
Worship, little owl,
The Lord enthroned in Zion
With endless glory.
sing this haiku
1 Corinthians 1
We belong to Christ,
Stumbling block to the foolish,
But wisdom from God.
sing this haiku
August 20
Psalm 103
Covenant angels
And the flowers of the field
Bless the Mighty One.
sing this haiku
Psalm 104
Flow, wings of the wind.
Gush forth, majesty of God.
Rejoice, glad waters.
sing this haiku
1 Corinthians 2
Christ is all I know;
God's secret hidden wisdom
Known by the spirit.
sing this haiku
August 21
Psalm 105
Our great heritage
(Cloud by day and fire by night)
Deserves thanks and praise.
sing this haiku
Psalm 106
Mighty deeds of God
For ancestors of gladness
Are everlasting.
sing this haiku
1 Corinthians 3
Jealousy and such
Are of the flesh, but we are
One in Jesus Christ.
sing this haiku
August 22
Psalm 107
Song of joy give heed;
The waves of the sea were hushed
For pools of water.
sing this haiku
Psalm 108
Melodies of dawn
Awaken heaven's glory
For sanctuary.
sing this haiku
Psalm 109
Silent love will bless
The throng continually
In prayer and fasting.
sing this haiku
1 Corinthians 4
We are fools for Christ,
Dregs of all things, so that God
Has all the power.
sing this haiku
August 23
Psalm 110
Like Melchizedek,
Willingly drink from the Lord
Dew of the morning.
sing this haiku
Psalm 111
In God's company,
Wisdom gains delight in deeds
Mindful of wonder.
sing this haiku
Psalm 112
Mighty and gracious,
Merciful and with firm heart,
Give praise to the Lord.
sing this haiku
1 Corinthians 5
Throw out the old yeast
And be a new batch of bread,
Sexually pure.
sing this haiku
August 24
Psalm 113
Servants of heaven
Are joyous and forever
Seated in glory.
sing this haiku
Psalm 114
God's dominion
Over mountain, hill and sea
Turns rock to water.
sing this haiku
Psalm 115
Small and great increase
In silence, trust and glory
As children of love.
sing this haiku
1 Corinthians 6
Sanctified by Christ,
Our body is meant for God
To be a temple.
sing this haiku
August 25
Psalm 116
Precious souls of love
Bountifully deliver
The Lord's gracious voice.
sing this haiku
Psalm 117
All nations extol
The steadfast love of the Lord
Forever. Give praise!
sing this haiku
Psalm 118
In God’s broad refuge,
The exalted cornerstone
Endures forever.
sing this haiku
1 Corinthians 7:1-19
Married or single,
Lead the life that God assigns
And keep covenant.
sing this haiku
August 26
Psalm 119:1-88
Revere with whole heart
The promises of God's Word
sing this haiku
1 Corinthians 7:20-40
Married or single,
Lead the life that God assigns
And keep covenant.
sing this haiku
August 27
Psalm 119:89-176
Revere with whole heart
The promises of God's Word
sing this haiku
1 Corinthians 8
The food for idols
Means nothing to God, but may
Cause the weak to fall.
sing this haiku
August 28
Psalm 120
Deliver Kedar,
O Lord, from coals and arrows
To dwellings for peace.
sing this haiku
Psalm 121
Keeper of heaven,
Like the sun that never sleeps,
Shines forevermore.
sing this haiku
Psalm 122
The house of the Lord,
Full of glad feet at the throne,
Prospers together.
sing this haiku
1 Corinthians 9
We share in the crop
That is sown in the temple
Sharing the Gospel.
sing this haiku
August 29
Psalm 123
The master and maid
Are both enthroned in heaven
In the eyes of God.
sing this haiku
Psalm 124
Heaven, like a bird
Blessing the name of the Lord,
Helps above the earth.
sing this haiku
Psalm 125
The righteous abide
Forever on Mount Zion
Trusting upright hearts.
sing this haiku
1 Corinthians 10:1-18
Learn from history.
Do not provoke God's anger,
But seek unity.
sing this haiku
August 30
Psalm 126
The watercourses
Were restored and filled with joy
And shouts of laughter.
sing this haiku
Psalm 127
Womb, house and city
Rise up early to reward
Happy heritage.
sing this haiku
Psalm 128
Ev'ryone within
A house that the Lord has blessed
Walks a life of peace.
sing this haiku
1 Corinthians 10:19-33
Learn from history.
Do not provoke God's anger,
But seek unity.
sing this haiku
August 31
Psalm 129
The grass of blessing
On the housetops of Zion
Need youth for plowing.
sing this haiku
Psalm 130
Voice of the morning,
Be attentive to the soul
In the depths of love.
sing this haiku
Psalm 131
A mother and child,
Quieted and lifted up,
Hope forevermore.
sing this haiku
1 Corinthians 11:1-16
At the Lord's table,
Remember that the body
And blood are holy.
sing this haiku
September 1
Psalm 132
Rise up, Mighty One!
Pour favor from your faithful
Crown of righteousness.
sing this haiku
Psalm 133
Precious unity,
Like robes of dew on mountains,
Bless forevermore.
sing this haiku
Psalm 134
In one holy house,
Heaven, earth and Zion are
Servants of the Lord.
sing this haiku
1 Corinthians 11:17-34
At the Lord's table,
Remember that the body
And blood are holy.
sing this haiku
September 2
Psalm 135
Gracious compassion,
Full of great praise and wonder,
Pours forth from heaven.
sing this haiku
Psalm 136
The great heritage
Of steadfast love and wonder
Endures forever.
sing this haiku
1 Corinthians 12
There are many gifts
Given by the spirit, but
We are one body.
sing this haiku
September 3
Psalm 137
Daughters of Zion,
Play your harps by the willows
And sing highest joy.
sing this haiku
Psalm 138
The whole heart of love
Endures with high faithfulness,
Singing praise, O Lord.
sing this haiku
Psalm 139
Light of the spirit
Ascends the womb of morning
On heavenly wings.
sing this haiku
1 Corinthians 13
Love, the greatest gift,
Bears all things, believes all things,
And will never end.
sing this haiku
September 4
Psalm 140
The upright give ear.
The righteous maintain justice.
All give thanks, O Lord.
sing this haiku
Psalm 141
The incense of prayer
Is pleasant refuge with God
Guarding faithful lips.
sing this haiku
Psalm 142
The voice of spirit
Will bountifully pour out
Portions of refuge.
sing this haiku
1 Corinthians 14:1-20
Seek to prophesy
In speech that builds up the church
And teaches others.
sing this haiku
September 5
Psalm 143
Meditating hearts
Remember the days of old
And teach steadfast love.
sing this haiku
Psalm 144
Shadow breaths on high
And smoke fingers of refuge
Are full grown in song.
sing this haiku
Psalm 145
Unsearchable God
And everlasting glory
Endures forever.
sing this haiku
1 Corinthians 14:21-40
Seek to prophesy
In speech that builds up the church
And teaches others.
sing this haiku
September 6
Psalm 146
God reigns forever
With hope and faith in heaven,
Giving life to souls.
sing this haiku
Psalm 147
Stars make melody
With abundant pow'r and praise
To delight the Lord.
sing this haiku
Psalm 148
All created things
From earth to highest heaven
Sing praise to the Lord.
sing this haiku
Psalm 149
Children of Zion,
Assemble with joy and sing
A new song of praise.
sing this haiku
Psalm 150
Trumpet, harp and strings;
Clanging cymbals, lute and pipe;
All give praise to God!
sing this haiku
1 Corinthians 15
The resurrection
Is of the seeds that are sown
To be one with God.
sing this haiku
September 7
Proverbs 1
Beginning knowledge;
Love wisdom and learn God's Law,
Only fools hate truth.
sing this haiku
Proverbs 2
Turn your heart to God
So that wisdom can enter.
Keep your sacred vows.
sing this haiku
1 Corinthians 16
Gather collections,
Keep alert, stand firm in faith,
Do all things in love.
sing this haiku
September 8
Proverbs 3
More precious than gold;
Be not wise in your own eyes,
And bless your neighbor.
sing this haiku
Proverbs 4
Learn from your parents.
Their wisdom is like garlands
Placed upon your head.
sing this haiku
Proverbs 5
Maintain purity
In your body and your soul,
Also loyalty.
sing this haiku
2 Corinthians 1
You will always be
Consoled in your suffering.
Christ always says, "Yes."
sing this haiku
September 9
Proverbs 6
Work diligently,
Listen to your parents, and
Be true to your wife.
sing this haiku
Proverbs 7
Let wisdom keep you
From the temptations of lust
And its cunning ways.
sing this haiku
2 Corinthians 2
Love and forgiveness
Outwit Satan so that we
Can be God's fragrance.
sing this haiku
September 10
Proverbs 8
Wisdom calls to you
From the beginning of time
Off'ring happiness.
sing this haiku
Proverbs 9
Live and walk wisely.
Knowledge of God is insight.
Folly leads to death.
sing this haiku
2 Corinthians 3
With unveiled faces,
Our competence is from God
Written on our hearts.
sing this haiku
September 11
Proverbs 10
A child of wisdom
Avoids poverty and strife,
And a winking eye.
sing this haiku
Proverbs 11
Seek righteousness first
For good and integrity
In the tree of life.
sing this haiku
Proverbs 12
Avoid wickedness;
It is a deadly ambush
And a trap for fools.
sing this haiku
2 Corinthians 4
The god of this world
Hides the light of the Gospel,
But we live by faith.
sing this haiku
September 12
Proverbs 13
Seek after true wealth
In the presence of wisdom
And good discipline.
sing this haiku
Proverbs 14
The folly of fools
Is clever, but knows nothing
Of tranquility.
sing this haiku
Proverbs 15
The tongue of wisdom
Reveals a glad gentle heart,
Humble in the Lord.
sing this haiku
2 Corinthians 5
In this tent we groan,
But Christ died so we can be
A new creation.
sing this haiku
September 13
Proverbs 16
One must always choose
Between following the Lord
Or a prideful mind.
sing this haiku
Proverbs 17
To practice wisdom,
Let go of anger and strife,
And be more silent.
sing this haiku
Proverbs 18
The lips of a fool
Ensnare the speaker in strife,
But the wise are free.
sing this haiku
2 Corinthians 6
Open wide your hearts.
Now's the day of salvation.
You are God's temple.
sing this haiku
September 14
Proverbs 19
False witness, anger,
Laziness, and ignorance
Are the ways of fools.
sing this haiku
Proverbs 20
The lips of knowledge
Speak of loyalty, honor,
And integrity.
sing this haiku
Proverbs 21
The wicked prosper
In their haughty selfish ways,
But justice brings joy.
sing this haiku
2 Corinthians 7
In a godly grief,
Find repentance, but not guilt;
Earnestness, not death.
sing this haiku
September 15
Proverbs 22
Listen to wisdom;
Do not make friends with anger
And trust in the Lord.
sing this haiku
Proverbs 23
Eat and drink wisely
For your body, mind and soul
To avoid sorrow.
sing this haiku
Proverbs 24
Two things you should know;
Wisdom is too high for fools,
And sleep brings no wealth.
sing this haiku
2 Corinthians 8
Excel in giving
To become like Jesus who
Became poor for us.
sing this haiku
September 16
Proverbs 25
Seek to be humble
And a faithful messenger
With generous heart.
sing this haiku
Proverbs 26
A fool with wisdom
Is like a drunk with a thorn
And a whisperer.
sing this haiku
2 Corinthians 9
Sharing gen'rously,
God loves a cheerful giver
Who will be enriched.
sing this haiku
September 17
Proverbs 27
Avoid jealousy
While you tend your own fig tree
And know well your herds.
sing this haiku
Proverbs 28
A wicked ruler
Oppresses the poor, and will
Fall into the Pit.
sing this haiku
Proverbs 29
Reproof gives wisdom
And discipline brings delight
To a child's parents.
sing this haiku
2 Corinthians 10
You belong to Christ.
Build each other up and boast
Only in the Lord.
sing this haiku
September 18
Proverbs 30
Find refuge in God
And wonderful things to know
Not exalting self.
sing this haiku
Proverbs 31
A capable wife
Is girded with skill and strength,
And a love of God.
sing this haiku
2 Corinthians 11:1-15
The serpent fooled Eve
As false teachers claim to be
Apostles of Christ.
sing this haiku
September 19
Ecclesiastes 1
All is vanity.
All that is, was, and will be
Chasing after wind.
sing this haiku
Ecclesiastes 2
All matter of wealth,
Eating and drinking match not
Seeking to please God.
sing this haiku
Ecclesiastes 3
To ev'ry season,
A beginning and an end;
And God owns it all.
sing this haiku
2 Corinthians 11:16-33
The serpent fooled Eve
As false teachers claim to be
Apostles of Christ.
sing this haiku
September 20
Ecclesiastes 4
Those who are alone
Toil with no comfort or joy
From a valued friend.
sing this haiku
Ecclesiastes 5
Let your words be few
And your vows fulfilled quickly
So more blessings come.
sing this haiku
Ecclesiastes 6
Enjoy what God gives
Or it would have been better
To not live at all.
sing this haiku
2 Corinthians 12
Paul shares a vision
Of a man in paradise
Stricken with a thorn.
sing this haiku
September 21
Ecclesiastes 7
And futility arise
From not knowing God.
sing this haiku
Ecclesiastes 8
Troubles lie heavy
On mortals. The ways of God
Are inscrutable.
sing this haiku
Ecclesiastes 9
Eat, drink, be merry;
The same fate comes to us all,
But wisdom triumphs.
sing this haiku
2 Corinthians 13
With the pow'r of God,
Examine yourselves to see
Jesus is in you.
sing this haiku
September 22
Ecclesiastes 10
Folly and wisdom
Each reap their own just reward
In an unknown time.
sing this haiku
Ecclesiastes 11
Sow in the morning
And rejoice when you are young,
For God has a plan.
sing this haiku
Ecclesiastes 12
The Teacher explained
That when all is said and done
Breath returns to God.
sing this haiku
Galatians 1
There is one Gospel
We received from Jesus Christ;
All others are false.
sing this haiku
September 23
Song 1
Let his kiss and love
Be on her, and her beauty
Be like myrrh on him.
sing this haiku
Song 2
He refreshes me
And says, "Arise, my fair one.
Let me see your face."
sing this haiku
Song 3
I seek him in dreams,
Awake not love 'til ready,
On my bed at night.
sing this haiku
Galatians 2
Paul spoke to Gentiles,
Peter to Jews; all are saved
By belief in Christ.
sing this haiku
September 24
Song 4
The beautiful bride
Ravishes him with her lips,
Body and perfume.
sing this haiku
Song 5
A sensuous dream
Of intimate touch and love
With the beloved.
sing this haiku
Galatians 3
God's law was given
To prepare our hearts for Christ
And faith in Spirit.
sing this haiku
September 25
Song 6
My love is perfect.
She is flawless and happy,
And bright as the sun.
sing this haiku
Song 7
How fair and pleasant
Your kiss, your breasts, and your scent.
I give you my love.
sing this haiku
Song 8
I will bring you home.
Love is strong as death, and so
Make haste, beloved.
sing this haiku
Galatians 4
You are known by God
As the ones born by Sarah;
Children of promise.
sing this haiku
September 26
Isaiah 1
God is tired of you.
Make yourselves clean and do good
And redeem Zion.
sing this haiku
Isaiah 2
Swords into plowshares
And idols shall pass away
When God has His day.
sing this haiku
Galatians 5
In Christ is freedom
From works of the flesh to bear
Fruit of the Spirit.
sing this haiku
September 27
Isaiah 3
Judah has fallen.
God's people are oppressed and
Shall fall by the sword.
sing this haiku
Isaiah 4
The branch of the Lord
Surviving in Zion as
Shelter from the storm.
sing this haiku
Galatians 6
You reap what you sow
In the Spirit and in Christ.
Boast not in the flesh.
sing this haiku
September 28
Isaiah 5
God's vineyard has died.
Evil is called good, and young
Lions seize their prey.
sing this haiku
Isaiah 6
A vision of God
With seraphs touching hot coals
To my unclean lips.
sing this haiku
Ephesians 1
You are adopted
And destined to accomplish
Work begun by Christ.
sing this haiku
September 29
Isaiah 7
Isaiah calms fears;
Ahaz sees Immanuel
Who will bring blessings.
sing this haiku
Isaiah 8
Strong Assyria
Will sweep into Judah, but
God is still with us.
sing this haiku
Ephesians 2
We who were once dead
By grace through faith are alive
As Christ's one body.
sing this haiku
September 30
Isaiah 9
People in darkness
Have seen a great light that will
Bring peace and justice.
sing this haiku
Isaiah 10
Assyria is
The rod of God's anger, but
Suffers arrogance.
sing this haiku
Ephesians 3
"I am a servant
Of God's grace, and pray that you
Be grounded in love."
sing this haiku
October 1
Isaiah 11
A stump of Jesse,
Bringing peace to wolf and lamb,
Resides in Judah.
sing this haiku
Isaiah 12
Give thanks to the Lord.
Proclaim His exalted name,
O royal Zion.
sing this haiku
Isaiah 13
Once great Babylon,
Full of glory and splendor,
Shall be desolate.
sing this haiku
Ephesians 4
We are one body
With gifts that we all must share
In true holiness.
sing this haiku
October 2
Isaiah 14
The proud Philistines
And Assyrians will fall.
God founded Zion.
sing this haiku
Isaiah 15
Moab is undone.
Wailing and weeping are heard
And fugitives flee.
sing this haiku
Isaiah 16
When war is no more,
On the throne of steadfast love,
A faithful ruler.
sing this haiku
Ephesians 5:1-20
Be fruit of the light.
Understand the will of God
Singing songs of praise.
sing this haiku
October 3
Isaiah 17
Damascus will cease
For she has forgotten God.
The people thunder.
sing this haiku
Isaiah 18
Land of whirring wings,
God looks down and hews away
sing this haiku
Isaiah 19
God comes to Egypt
And creates a civil war;
Leaving a remnant.
sing this haiku
Ephesians 5:21-33
Be fruit of the light.
Understand the will of God
Singing songs of praise.
sing this haiku
October 4
Isaiah 20
Naked for three years,
Isaiah shows the shame of
Egyptian exiles.
sing this haiku
Isaiah 21
Fallen Babylon,
Edom and Arabia
Will come to an end.
sing this haiku
Isaiah 22
O Jerusalem,
The Lord weeps for you in the
Valley of vision.
sing this haiku
Ephesians 6
Be strong in the Lord
With the whole armor of God.
Keep alert and pray.
sing this haiku
October 5
Isaiah 23
Wail, ships of Tarshish,
For your exultant city;
A fortress destroyed.
sing this haiku
Isaiah 24
God makes desolate
Earth, sun, moon, priest and people
For our transgressions.
sing this haiku
Isaiah 25
God will wipe away
Tears, disgrace and death to be
Refuge forever.
sing this haiku
Philippians 1
We share in God's grace
Proclaiming and rejoicing
Side by side in faith.
sing this haiku
October 6
Isaiah 26
Judah sings to God,
"Lord, we wait for you to fill
Our soul's deep desire."
sing this haiku
Isaiah 27
God's pleasant vineyard
Will be restored by His hand.
Exiles will return.
sing this haiku
Philippians 2
Be of the same mind
That imitates Christ Jesus
Shining in the world.
sing this haiku
October 7
Isaiah 28
The Lord is laying
A precious cornerstone so
Death will be annulled.
sing this haiku
Isaiah 29
O Jerusalem,
God plans to lift you up from
Your gloom and darkness.
sing this haiku
Philippians 3
Beware of the dogs
Who demand circumcision.
Conform to Jesus.
sing this haiku
October 8
Isaiah 30
Trust not in Egypt;
She is worthless and empty.
Trust in God's mercy.
sing this haiku
Isaiah 31
Egypt is not God,
Nor the idols you have made.
Return to the Lord.
sing this haiku
Philippians 4
Rejoice in the Lord
Through whom I can do all things
When he strengthens me.
sing this haiku
October 9
Isaiah 32
Like streams of water,
Princes will rule with justice
In the fruitful field.
sing this haiku
Isaiah 33
"Now I will arise.
Now I will lift myself up
And be exalted."
sing this haiku
Colossians 1
Be filled with knowledge,
Glorious pow'r and patience
With Christ over all.
sing this haiku
October 10
Isaiah 34
The Lord has a sword
And princes shall be nothing
In "No Kingdom There."
sing this haiku
Isaiah 35
"Be strong; do not fear."
Streams in the desert shall be
Called the Holy Way.
sing this haiku
Isaiah 36
Judah is threatened
By Assyria mocking
King Hezekiah.
sing this haiku
Colossians 2
Treasures of wisdom
And fullness of deity
Erase all your sin.
sing this haiku
October 11
Isaiah 37
Hezekiah prays
After word from Isaiah
That the Lord has heard.
sing this haiku
Isaiah 38
"He breaks all my bones
And I moan like a dove," writes
King Hezekiah.
sing this haiku
Colossians 3
You are raised with Christ.
Put away things of the flesh.
Clothe yourselves with love.
sing this haiku
October 12
Isaiah 39
Then Isaiah said,
"Babylon will take away
The house of David."
sing this haiku
Isaiah 40
"Comfort my people.
Prepare the way of the Lord
On wings of eagles."
sing this haiku
Colossians 4
Devoted to prayer,
Be gracious to strangers and
Finish the Lord's work.
sing this haiku
October 13
Isaiah 41
"I, the Lord, am first.
You, Jacob, are my servant.
I will strengthen you."
sing this haiku
Isaiah 42
"Here is my servant,"
Sing to the Lord a new song,
"He will not grow faint."
sing this haiku
1 Thessalonians 1
God has chosen you.
Imitate the Lord with joy
And serve the true God.
sing this haiku
October 14
Isaiah 43
When you walk through fire
You shall not be burned. The Lord
Will do a new thing.
sing this haiku
Isaiah 44
Streams on the dry ground
Are not made by your idols.
The Lord has done it.
sing this haiku
1 Thessalonians 2
We speak to please God,
Urging you to lead a life
Worthy of glory.
sing this haiku
October 15
Isaiah 45
"Cyrus, my servant,
Though he does not know me, will
Set my exiles free."
sing this haiku
Isaiah 46
"I will carry you
And fulfill my intention."
All idols fall down.
sing this haiku
1 Thessalonians 3
For the sake of faith,
We suffer persecution.
Be strong in your heart.
sing this haiku
October 16
Isaiah 47
Shameful Babylon,
You shall sit as a widow
And ruin shall come.
sing this haiku
Isaiah 48
"I have refined you.
I am the first and the last."
Hear this and draw near.
sing this haiku
Isaiah 49
"You are my servant.
Kings shall stand and princes bow."
Sing joy, O heavens.
sing this haiku
1 Thessalonians 4
Live in holiness,
Waiting to be caught up in
Clouds to meet the Lord.
sing this haiku
October 17
Isaiah 50
God opened my ear.
I did not hide from insult.
God vindicates me.
sing this haiku
Isaiah 51
"Listen and awake;
Rouse yourself, Jerusalem.
You are my people."
sing this haiku
Isaiah 52
The messenger who
Announces peace and good news
Shall be very high.
sing this haiku
1 Thessalonians 5
You're children of light.
Keep awake and be sober.
Pray without ceasing.
sing this haiku
October 18
Isaiah 53
A man of suff'ring
Has borne our infirmities.
We have gone astray.
sing this haiku
Isaiah 54
Sing, O barren one.
Your Maker is your husband
Who shall not depart.
sing this haiku
Isaiah 55
God's thoughts are higher;
Mountains shall burst into song,
And trees clap their hands.
sing this haiku
2 Thessalonians 1
We boast about you
For the suff'ring you endure
Worthy of God's call.
sing this haiku
October 19
Isaiah 56
"Those who keep Sabbath,
Joyful in my house of prayer,
I will gather in."
sing this haiku
Isaiah 57
Who are you mocking
With Molech, oil and perfume?
They will not help you.
sing this haiku
Isaiah 58
If you share your bread,
Your light shall break forth like dawn
And delight the Lord.
sing this haiku
2 Thessalonians 2
The lawless one comes
From Satan to deceive you
Before Christ returns.
sing this haiku
October 20
Isaiah 59
Your iniquities
Have hidden God's face from you.
Thus, you walk in gloom.
sing this haiku
Isaiah 60
The Lord will arise.
The sun and moon will not shine
For God is your light.
sing this haiku
Isaiah 61
The spirit of God
Will make an everlasting
Covenant with us.
sing this haiku
2 Thessalonians 3
Avoid idleness.
Don't be weary doing right
And please pray for us.
sing this haiku
October 21
Isaiah 62
Glory of Zion,
God shall rejoice over you.
"Your salvation comes."
sing this haiku
Isaiah 63
Recount God's mercy
And Moses at the Red Sea.
God is our Father.
sing this haiku
Isaiah 64
We fade like a leaf.
Zion has been burned by fire.
Will God keep silent?
sing this haiku
1 Timothy 1
Love from a pure heart
And be grateful for mercy.
Jesus came to save.
sing this haiku
October 22
Isaiah 65
"My servant shall eat
And sing for gladness of heart
In my new heaven."
sing this haiku
Isaiah 66
"Earth is my footstool.
I will give prosperity.
I will comfort you."
sing this haiku
1 Timothy 2
Pray for ev'ryone.
Jesus was ransom for all.
Lift up holy hands.
sing this haiku
October 23
Jeremiah 1
"I am just a boy.
I see an almond tree branch."
"You see well," said God.
sing this haiku
Jeremiah 2
What wrong is in God
That Israel would rebel
And seek other gods?
sing this haiku
1 Timothy 3
People who lead us
Must have boldness in their faith
And live Christ-like lives.
sing this haiku
October 24
Jeremiah 3
"You have played the whore.
Repent," says the Lord. "Because
I am your Master."
sing this haiku
Jeremiah 4
Circumcise you heart;
Wash it clean of wickedness.
Your doom is coming.
sing this haiku
Jeremiah 5
A lion and wolf
Shall kill them. Other nations
Shall eat their fig tree.
sing this haiku
1 Timothy 4
Be an example
Of love, faith and purity
To save your hearers.
sing this haiku
October 25
Jeremiah 6
Prophet and priest say,
"Peace, peace," when there is no peace.
They no longer blush.
sing this haiku
Jeremiah 7
"Let me dwell with you.
Amend your ways and doings."
They stiffen their necks.
sing this haiku
Jeremiah 8
Bones brought out of tombs.
"My joy is gone. There is no
Balm in Gilead."
sing this haiku
1 Timothy 5
Care for the widows.
Let the elders be honored.
Good works will be done.
sing this haiku
October 26
Jeremiah 9
They refuse to know
God and will be fed wormwood.
A wailing is heard.
sing this haiku
Jeremiah 10
Idols are scarecrows,
But the Lord is the true God.
Exile is coming.
sing this haiku
Jeremiah 11
"They serve other gods.
I will not listen to them.
Disaster will come."
sing this haiku
1 Timothy 6
The love of money
Distracts from true faith in God
And the Lord of lords.
sing this haiku
October 27
Jeremiah 12
Why does evil thrive?
"Will you compete with horses?
They will be ashamed."
sing this haiku
Jeremiah 13
The linen loincloth
And drunkenness from wine-jars
Portend the exile.
sing this haiku
Jeremiah 14
They find no water.
God says, "Do not pray for them."
Fake prophet, Beware!
sing this haiku
2 Timothy 1
Do not be ashamed
And hold fast to what you've learned
Living in Spirit.
sing this haiku
October 28
Jeremiah 15
The four destroyers:
Sword, dogs, birds, wild animals.
Jeremiah spared
sing this haiku
Jeremiah 16
"You shall have no wife
Nor children who will suffer
When I teach my might."
sing this haiku
Jeremiah 17
The Lord tests the mind
And searches the heart to give
Justly to their ways.
sing this haiku
2 Timothy 2
Strong soldiers of Christ
Die, endure and rise with him
As approved by God.
sing this haiku
October 29
Jeremiah 18
"You are the potter,
We are the clay. Give heed, Lord,
They plot to kill me."
sing this haiku
Jeremiah 19
An earthenware jug
Shattered like Jerusalem
With their stiffened necks.
sing this haiku
2 Timothy 3
Beware! The last days
Will be overwhelmed by sin.
Hold fast to God's Word.
sing this haiku
October 30
Jeremiah 20
"Ev'ryone mocks me,
But the Lord is with me so
They will not prevail."
sing this haiku
Jeremiah 21
"I am against you,"
Says the Lord. "You shall bow to
sing this haiku
2 Timothy 4
Proclaim the message;
Convince, rebuke, encourage
In good times and bad.
sing this haiku
October 31
Jeremiah 22
God judges the kings
And asks Judah to repent.
This is to know God.
sing this haiku
Jeremiah 23
"The shepherds have failed.
I shall raise a Righteous Branch."
Avoid false prophets.
sing this haiku
Titus 1
For leaders in Crete;
To the pure all things are pure.
Avoid Jewish myth.
sing this haiku
November 1
Jeremiah 24
Two baskets of figs;
The good figs shall return, but
Others shall be cursed.
sing this haiku
Jeremiah 25
Exile is foretold.
Drink the wine of wrath, all kings,
God roars from on high.
sing this haiku
Jeremiah 26
Micah, Uriah
And Jeremiah spoke truth.
People would not hear.
sing this haiku
Titus 2
By the grace of God,
Jesus gave himself for us,
Making us his own.
sing this haiku
November 2
Jeremiah 27
You shall wear a yoke,
Serve the king of Babylon,
Before you return.
sing this haiku
Jeremiah 28
Then Hananiah
Broke the yoke and spoke falsely.
Hananiah died.
sing this haiku
Jeremiah 29
"A future with hope;
Search and seek me with your heart.
I will restore you."
sing this haiku
Titus 3
We were once foolish,
But the Spirit through Jesus
Justifies by grace.
sing this haiku
November 3
Jeremiah 30
"I will break the yoke.
Jacob shall return with ease.
I will be your God."
sing this haiku
Jeremiah 31
"You shall plant and dance
And have a new covenant
Written on your heart."
sing this haiku
An appeal of love
To restore relationship
As brothers in Christ.
sing this haiku
November 4
Jeremiah 32
Buy a field for proof
That God intends to restore
And forgive Judah.
sing this haiku
Jeremiah 33
There will be healing,
Prosperity and cleansing,
And a Righteous Branch.
sing this haiku
Hebrews 1
Wind and fire angels
Worship and serve God's own Son;
His years never end.
sing this haiku
November 5
Jeremiah 34
The Jubilee Year
Was ignored, so God will make
Judah desolate.
sing this haiku
Jeremiah 35
All the Rechabites
Drank no wine and stayed faithful
Standing before God.
sing this haiku
Jeremiah 36
God's condemning scroll,
Read in temple and palace,
Burned, but then replaced.
sing this haiku
Hebrews 2
By his suffering,
Jesus rose above angels
And freed us from death.
sing this haiku
November 6
Jeremiah 37
King Zedekiah
Asks for prayer and grants mercy
To Jeremiah.
sing this haiku
Jeremiah 38
Drawn from a cistern,
Jeremiah tells the king,
"Surrender and live."
sing this haiku
Jeremiah 39
Jerusalem falls.
Jeremiah remembers
Ebed-melech's grace.
sing this haiku
Hebrews 3
If you hear his voice,
Become a partner with Christ.
Harden not your heart.
sing this haiku
November 7
Jeremiah 40
Jeremiah stays
With Jews in Mizpah as they
Gathered wine and fruit.
sing this haiku
Jeremiah 41
Mizpah invaded
By the Chaldeans, and they
Killed Gedaliah.
sing this haiku
Jeremiah 42
The Jews were afraid
To stay in Mizpah, so they
Disobeyed the Lord.
sing this haiku
Hebrews 4
Sabbath rest remains.
God's Word is a two-edged sword
At the throne of grace.
sing this haiku
November 8
Jeremiah 43
Running to Egypt
God tells the Jews, "Babylon
Will take you captive."
sing this haiku
Jeremiah 44
The people pour out
Libations for Egypt's god,
The queen of heaven.
sing this haiku
Jeremiah 45
Jeremiah spoke
To Baruch to comfort him,
"Your life will be blessed."
sing this haiku
Hebrews 5
Not taking honor,
Christ through suff'ring was perfect
Like Melchizedek.
sing this haiku
November 9
Jeremiah 46
The day of the Lord
Will bring an end to Egypt.
Jacob will survive.
sing this haiku
Jeremiah 47
People shall cry out
From the Philistines when God
Puts them to the sword.
sing this haiku
Hebrews 6
Move to perfection
As God shows us a steadfast
Anchor of the soul.
sing this haiku
November 10
Jeremiah 48
Moab is no more
And their god Chemosh ashamed.
Hearts moan like a flute.
sing this haiku
Jeremiah 49
Ammon and Edom
Shall be laid waste by the Lord;
Also many lands.
sing this haiku
Hebrews 7
Jesus is high priest
Through whom we can approach God;
Perfect forever.
sing this haiku
November 11
Jeremiah 50
"I am against you,"
Says the Lord to Babylon.
"You shall be destroyed."
sing this haiku
Hebrews 8
Jesus has obtained
By the throne of Majesty
A new covenant.
sing this haiku
November 12
Jeremiah 51
Flee from Babylon.
Wail for her for she is doomed.
Israel avenged.
sing this haiku
Jeremiah 52
The fall of Judah
Is retold, and the rise of
King Jehoiachin.
sing this haiku
Hebrews 9
By the blood of Christ,
We are cleansed because he is
Greater and perfect.
sing this haiku
November 13
Lamentations 1
With tears on her cheeks
Her foes have become masters.
Jerusalem groans.
sing this haiku
Lamentations 2
God poured out fury
And prophets have no vision.
Where is bread and wine?
sing this haiku
Hebrews 10:1-18
Beyond burnt off'rings,
Jesus came to do God's will.
Now we must endure.
sing this haiku
November 14
Lamentations 3
Though now desolate,
God won't reject forever.
God's love is steadfast.
sing this haiku
Lamentations 4
Zion's children, priests
And prophets are scattered wide
By uncovered sin.
sing this haiku
Lamentations 5
Our crown has fallen,
Our hearts are sick, and eyes dim.
Restore us, O Lord.
sing this haiku
Hebrews 10:19-39
Beyond burnt off'rings,
Jesus came to do God's will.
Now we must endure.
sing this haiku
November 15
Ezekiel 1
Four living creatures
(Human, lion, ox, eagle);
Four wheels in a dome.
sing this haiku
Ezekiel 2
"O mortal, stand up.
You live among scorpions.
Eat this written scroll."
sing this haiku
Hebrews 11:1-22
Heritage of faith:
Assurance and conviction
Made from things unseen.
sing this haiku
November 16
Ezekiel 3
"Speak to Israel,
But they will not hear my voice,
Therefore be silent."
sing this haiku
Ezekiel 4
Lying in his yard,
He portrayed the woe to come
With bricks, bread and dung.
sing this haiku
Hebrews 11:23-40
Heritage of faith:
Assurance and conviction
Made from things unseen.
sing this haiku
November 17
Ezekiel 5
His hair in three piles;
The city burned, people killed,
People in exile.
sing this haiku
Ezekiel 6
"I hate their idols.
Clap your hands and stamp your foot;
Signs of my fury."
sing this haiku
Ezekiel 7
The end is coming.
Because of iniquity,
All will be profaned.
sing this haiku
Hebrews 12
Do not grow weary.
You're among angels in a
Cloud of witnesses.
sing this haiku
November 18
Ezekiel 8
In the temple of the Lord
Portrayed in visions.
sing this haiku
Ezekiel 9
Six men to slaughter
All but those who have the mark.
God had no pity.
sing this haiku
Ezekiel 10
Cherubim and wheels
Went out from the house of God
In Jerusalem.
sing this haiku
Hebrews 13
Sanctified by Christ,
Be content with what you have
And give God glory.
sing this haiku
November 19
Ezekiel 11
"Prophesy, mortal.
I will judge Israel and
Remove hearts of stone."
sing this haiku
Ezekiel 12
Baggage of exile
Digging through a wall; a sign
That the end is near.
sing this haiku
Ezekiel 13
There will be no peace.
The false prophets have painted
Whitewash on a wall.
sing this haiku
James 1
Always ask in faith
To receive the crown of life
While doing God's Word.
sing this haiku
November 20
Ezekiel 14
Deceiving prophets
Shall bear their punishment for
Idols in the heart.
sing this haiku
Ezekiel 15
The wood of the vine
Is used for nothing except
Kindling for the fire.
sing this haiku
James 2
Make no distinction
Between people; and your faith
Without works is dead.
sing this haiku
November 21
Ezekiel 16
"Naked at your birth,
I bathed, clothed and married you.
You became a whore."
sing this haiku
Ezekiel 17
A vine uprooted
Will not thrive or produce fruit,
Except what God grows.
sing this haiku
James 3
The tongue is a fire
That must be bridled to seek
Wisdom from above.
sing this haiku
November 22
Ezekiel 18
"Are my ways unfair?"
God will judge each person by
His or her own sins.
sing this haiku
Ezekiel 19
A strong young lion
Was taken to Babylon
And was silenced there.
sing this haiku
James 4
Be only with God,
Like a mist that vanishes,
Not judging the world.
sing this haiku
November 23
Ezekiel 20
"Throughout history
You repaid my love with sin,
But I will save you."
sing this haiku
Ezekiel 21
A sword is sharpened
To satisfy God's fury,
But returned to sheath.
sing this haiku
James 5
You must be patient
And let your "Yes" be yes while
Praying faithfully.
sing this haiku
November 24
Ezekiel 22
The city of blood
Shall be melted by God's wrath
For profaning Him.
sing this haiku
Ezekiel 23
They both have become
Like whores to God; Oholah
And Oholibah.
sing this haiku
1 Peter 1
In life you rejoice
Through the precious blood of Christ
sing this haiku
November 25
Ezekiel 24
In a boiling pot,
God's wrath will cleanse Israel,
Pining with no tears.
sing this haiku
Ezekiel 25
Ammon and Moab,
Edom and Philistia
Shall know God's vengeance.
sing this haiku
Ezekiel 26
The city of Tyre,
With her beautiful coastlands,
Shall tremble and fall.
sing this haiku
1 Peter 2
Like newborn infants,
Come to Christ, a living stone,
Giving you freedom.
sing this haiku
November 26
Ezekiel 27
A lamentation
For the once abundant Tyre
Now wrecked by the sea.
sing this haiku
Ezekiel 28
Tyre's king and Sidon
Shall know that God is the Lord
Gath'ring Israel.
sing this haiku
Ezekiel 29
Pharaoh thought the Nile
Was his, so God reclaimed it
And plundered Egypt.
sing this haiku
1 Peter 3
All husbands and wives,
In unity of Spirit,
Keep your conscience clear.
sing this haiku
November 27
Ezekiel 30
"Alas for the day!"
Babylon destroyed Egypt
And all her idols.
sing this haiku
Ezekiel 31
Cedar in the clouds
Now fallen with broken boughs
In the world below.
sing this haiku
Ezekiel 32
The lights of heaven
Will be darkened above you,
Dragon of the seas.
sing this haiku
1 Peter 4
Stewards of God's grace,
Glorify God in all things;
Even tests of fire.
sing this haiku
November 28
Ezekiel 33
They listen to a
Singer of love songs while you
Warn them they will die.
sing this haiku
Ezekiel 34
Shepherds feed themselves,
So God will search for His sheep
And shower blessings.
sing this haiku
1 Peter 5
Tend the flock of God.
Like a shepherd, be humble;
Steadfast in your faith.
sing this haiku
November 29
Ezekiel 35
Curses on Mount Seir
Because they planned to possess
All of Israel.
sing this haiku
Ezekiel 36
"Because you suffered
I will lift you up again
For my holy name."
sing this haiku
2 Peter 1
Escape corruption
Through knowledge of Jesus Christ
And his majesty.
sing this haiku
November 30
Ezekiel 37
"Can these dry bones live?"
Lord, you know better than I.
"Receive my spirit."
sing this haiku
Ezekiel 38
The grand plans of Gog
Roused God's jealousy and wrath
And great holiness.
sing this haiku
Ezekiel 39
Gog and his people
Became food for animals.
"Know that I am God."
sing this haiku
2 Peter 2
Avoid false prophets
Because God will judge rightly
Even the angels.
sing this haiku
December 1
Ezekiel 40
Upon a mountain,
God showed me the dimensions
Of the new temple.
sing this haiku
Ezekiel 41
Measuring cubits,
God showed me the nave and rooms
And carvings on walls.
sing this haiku
2 Peter 3
The day of the Lord
Will dissolve the earth with fire
For a new heaven.
sing this haiku
December 2
Ezekiel 42
Next were the chambers
For the holy offerings
Brought there by the priests.
sing this haiku
Ezekiel 43
God's glory returned
To the temple and altar
For the offerings.
sing this haiku
Ezekiel 44
Levitical priests
Shall maintain and teach people
God's laws and statutes.
sing this haiku
1 John 1
This is what we've seen:
God is light so we have light
Confessing our sin.
sing this haiku
December 3
Ezekiel 45
God defined measures,
Weights, offerings, holy lands,
And the festivals.
sing this haiku
Ezekiel 46
On the Sabbath day,
The prince enters the east gate
To make sacrifice.
sing this haiku
1 John 2
Christ, our advocate,
Said the world will pass away.
Watch for antichrists.
sing this haiku
December 4
Ezekiel 47
Water was flowing
From the temple to refresh
And define bound'ries.
sing this haiku
Ezekiel 48
The tribal portions
Of Israel were defined
And distributed.
sing this haiku
1 John 3
You're children of God
Called to be pure just like Him.
Love one another.
sing this haiku
December 5
Daniel 1
Daniel would not eat
Food given by the king, but
Became healthier.
sing this haiku
Daniel 2
God gave Daniel pow'r
To interpret the king's dream.
"God is God of gods."
sing this haiku
1 John 4
All who confess Christ
Know and abide in God's love
In which there's no fear.
sing this haiku
December 6
Daniel 3
Daniel and his friends
Would not bow to a statue.
They survived the fire.
sing this haiku
Daniel 4
The king dreams again.
Daniel tells him to atone
After banishment.
sing this haiku
1 John 5
What is born of God
(Spirit, water, and the blood)
Will conquer the world.
sing this haiku
December 7
Daniel 5
Writing on the wall;
"Mene, Tekel and Peres"
Your kingdom will end.
sing this haiku
Daniel 6
From the lion's den
For not bowing to the king
God is glorified.
sing this haiku
Daniel 7
Four kings shall arise
And a beast will bring judgment;
Then come holy ones.
sing this haiku
2 John
There is one teaching:
Love and obey commandments
Taught by Jesus Christ.
sing this haiku
December 8
Daniel 8
A ram and a goat
Portray the end that will come
Not by human hands.
sing this haiku
Daniel 9
Daniel confesses
The sins of the people and
Asks for God's mercy.
sing this haiku
Daniel 10
While fasting, Daniel
Saw a vision of Michael
And the end of days.
sing this haiku
3 John
Walking in the truth
With your friends and with strangers
Testifies to love.
sing this haiku
December 9
Daniel 11
An angel describes
Endless war between nations
With no one to help.
sing this haiku
Daniel 12
The wise shall awake
And shine like the day and stars
At the end of time.
sing this haiku
We share salvation,
But beware of false teachers
Casting up their shame.
sing this haiku
December 10
Hosea 1
Take for wife a whore.
Name your children how God feels
About sinful Jews.
sing this haiku
Hosea 2
Because she's a whore,
God will lay waste her fig trees
'Til she is faithful.
sing this haiku
Hosea 3
Love an adult'ress
Just as God loves Israel.
Remain pure with her.
sing this haiku
Hosea 4
No knowledge of God
Changed glory to shame and sin
And idolatry.
sing this haiku
Revelation 1
To seven churches,
The Alpha and Omega
Alive forever.
sing this haiku
December 11
Hosea 5
They will not find God
And He cannot heal their wound
As their punishment.
sing this haiku
Hosea 6
God will raise us up
On the third day like spring rains
That water the earth.
sing this haiku
Hosea 7
"The kings have fallen.
I will cast a net o'er them.
They have strayed from me."
sing this haiku
Hosea 8
Samaria sows
Wind for a whirlwind. Ephraim
Has altars for sin.
sing this haiku
Revelation 2
Messages from Christ
Like a sword and flames of fire
Shining with full force.
sing this haiku
December 12
Hosea 9
God found Israel
Like first fruit on the fig tree,
But they worshipped Baal.
sing this haiku
Hosea 10
They utter mere words
And are a wayward people
Eating fruit of lies.
sing this haiku
Hosea 11
When Ephraim was young,
God led them with words of love,
And they will return.
sing this haiku
Revelation 3
Words of the Amen
Say you do not know the hour
God will come to you.
sing this haiku
December 13
Hosea 12
Jacob strove with God,
But Ephraim said, "I am rich."
Now God will repay.
sing this haiku
Hosea 13
Through Baal Ephraim died.
God will be like a lion
That will devour them.
sing this haiku
Hosea 14
"I will love freely.
You shall blossom like the vine.
I look after you."
sing this haiku
Revelation 4
I could see heaven
And one seated on the throne
To whom creatures sang.
sing this haiku
December 14
Joel 1
Wake up, weep and wail,
Put on sackcloth and lament;
Joy withers away.
sing this haiku
Joel 2
Blow the trumpet now;
Let the bridegroom leave his room.
Old men shall dream dreams.
sing this haiku
Joel 3
Let soldiers draw near.
Beat your plowshares into swords.
God dwells in Zion.
sing this haiku
Revelation 5
Angels surrounded
The throne and sang glory to
The Lamb with a scroll.
sing this haiku
December 15
Amos 1
For three and for four,
God will not revoke judgment
Against enemies.
sing this haiku
Amos 2
God's name is profaned
Despite His deliverance.
Prophets were silenced.
sing this haiku
Amos 3
The lion has roared,
"They don't know how to do right."
Some will be rescued.
sing this haiku
Revelation 6
Each of seven seals
When broken brought humankind
Closer to the end.
sing this haiku
December 16
Amos 4
"You did not return
Even though I punished you."
Prepare to meet God.
sing this haiku
Amos 5
Maiden Israel,
Seek God so that you may live;
Let justice roll down.
sing this haiku
Amos 6
O Zion beware,
While you eat, sing and anoint,
Enemies arise.
sing this haiku
Revelation 7
Twelve times twelve thousand
Servants will receive the seal,
And those washed in blood.
sing this haiku
December 17
Amos 7
Jacob is so small.
God is setting a plumb line
Within Israel.
sing this haiku
Amos 8
Like the summer fruit,
Songs become lamentations
Mourning for a child.
sing this haiku
Amos 9
Not one shall escape
Though they dig and try to hide,
But God will restore.
sing this haiku
Revelation 8
With the seventh seal
There was silence, then trumpets
Blown by the angels.
sing this haiku
December 18
The pride of Edom
And its slaughter of Jacob
Shall be its demise.
sing this haiku
Revelation 9
From smoke and a pit
Horse-like locusts scourged the earth.
Plagues then killed a third.
sing this haiku
December 19
Jonah 1
"Go to Nineveh,"
God said; then Jonah in a
Belly of a fish.
sing this haiku
Jonah 2
"Your waves over me
And weeds wrapped around my head."
God spewed Jonah out.
sing this haiku
Jonah 3
Now in Nineveh,
Jonah says they must repent.
They put on sackcloth.
sing this haiku
Jonah 4
God gave Jonah shade
When he sulked because God saved
All of Nineveh.
sing this haiku
Revelation 10
Angel in a cloud
Said, "There will be no delay.
Eat this bitter scroll."
sing this haiku
December 20
Micah 1
The mountains will melt.
Images and idols burn.
Like eagles, be bald.
sing this haiku
Micah 2
When the morning dawns,
Hear bitter lamentation
Before they return.
sing this haiku
Micah 3
Because they hate good,
The sun goes down on prophets.
Zion shall be plowed.
sing this haiku
Revelation 11
The two witnesses
With supreme authority
Will receive new life.
sing this haiku
December 21
Micah 4
A stream of Zion
Shall not learn war anymore.
They shall be redeemed.
sing this haiku
Micah 5
From you, Bethlehem,
Shall come one who is to rule
In God's majesty.
sing this haiku
Revelation 12
Michael in heaven
Casts the dragon to the earth
Where it wars with God.
sing this haiku
December 22
Micah 6
What does God require?
Justice, kindness, humble walk,
And put lies away.
sing this haiku
Micah 7
The faithful vanish
And hear God's indignation
Before compassion.
sing this haiku
Revelation 13
A blasphemous beast
And a beast that bows to it
Known as six, six, six.
sing this haiku
December 23
Nahum 1
In whirlwind and storm,
Those who find refuge in God
Fulfill all their vows.
sing this haiku
Nahum 2
Chariots of fire
Dart like lightning through the streets
Within Nineveh.
sing this haiku
Nahum 3
Like a prostitute
With her skirt over her face,
God looks on your shame.
sing this haiku
Revelation 14
The song of the Lamb
And three angels tell people,
"Hold fast to your faith."
sing this haiku
December 24
Habakkuk 1
God roused Chaldean's
Horses, menacing as wolves,
To bring violence.
sing this haiku
Habakkuk 2
Wealth is treacherous.
Stones will cry out from the wall
Of iniquity.
sing this haiku
Habakkuk 3
The sun raised its hands
When God crushed the wicked house.
The Lord is my strength.
sing this haiku
Revelation 15
By a sea of glass,
Seven angels sang, "Glory!"
Then begins the end.
sing this haiku
December 25
Zephaniah 1
God will judge Judah,
Punish violence and fraud,
And consume with fire.
sing this haiku
Zephaniah 2
Seacoasts and houses
That are enemies of God
Shall be desolate.
sing this haiku
Zephaniah 3
Pure speech will come to
The remnant of Israel;
Changing shame to praise.
sing this haiku
Revelation 16
The bowls of God's wrath
Destroy all the earth and bring
In Armageddon.
sing this haiku
December 26
Haggai 1
"Go and gather wood
To rebuild the house of God."
Thus the prophet said.
sing this haiku
Haggai 2
God will shake nations
And fill His house with splendor
Built with honest hands.
sing this haiku
Revelation 17
There was a great whore
And a beast from the pit, but
The Lamb will prevail.
sing this haiku
December 27
Zechariah 1
Man on a red horse
God sent to patrol the earth,
And horns of terror.
sing this haiku
Zechariah 2
Measuring Judah,
You're the apple of God's eye
O daughter Zion.
sing this haiku
Zechariah 3
Rebuking Satan,
Angels cleanse Joshua's clothes;
Omen of a Branch.
sing this haiku
Zechariah 4
"I see a lampstand,
A bowl and two olive trees."
The grace of God's Word.
sing this haiku
Revelation 18
She was glorified,
But then a stone in the sea;
Fallen Babylon.
sing this haiku
December 28
Zechariah 5
A flying scroll cursed.
A maid sits in a basket.
This is wickedness.
sing this haiku
Zechariah 6
Horses, like the wind,
(Red, black, white, and dapple gray)
Come before the Branch.
sing this haiku
Zechariah 7
"Do you fast for God?
Do you eat and drink for God?"
They have stopped their ears.
sing this haiku
Zechariah 8
Jealous for Zion,
God will bring back a remnant
That shall fast with joy.
sing this haiku
Revelation 19
Sing, "Hallelujah!"
A rider Faithful and True
Named "The Word of God."
sing this haiku
December 29
Zechariah 9
Enemies of God
Shall be destroyed before He
Sets the pris'ners free.
sing this haiku
Zechariah 10
The house of Judah
Will bring forth a cornerstone
To save and strengthen.
sing this haiku
Zechariah 11
There are two shepherds
Named Favor and Unity
For flocks that are doomed.
sing this haiku
Zechariah 12
Like a heavy stone,
Jerusalem shall be strong.
Mourn for the pierced one.
sing this haiku
Revelation 20
For a thousand years,
The first resurrection souls,
Then comes Satan's doom.
sing this haiku
December 30
Zechariah 13
Just as the shepherd
Is struck, one-third sheep remain
As gold is tested.
sing this haiku
Zechariah 14
Living water flows
To the east and to the west
When the Lord is King.
sing this haiku
Revelation 21
Death will be no more
And all pain will pass away
In God's holy light.
sing this haiku
December 31
Malachi 1
Priests despise God's name
With their impure sacrifice.
Shut the temple doors.
sing this haiku
Malachi 2
Tears on God's altar
Because they broke covenant
God made with Levi.
sing this haiku
Malachi 3
The Lord does not change.
He listens to the faithful
And opens heaven.
sing this haiku
Malachi 4
The day is coming
With a healing in its wings,
Bringing Elijah.
sing this haiku
Revelation 22
The river of life
Flowing from the throne of God
Trustworthy and true.
sing this haiku