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Scripture: Mark 4:39: He woke up and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” Then the wind ceased, and there was a dead calm. Abridged: The term “Be Saved” is not something in front of us that we need to attain, but instead a condition in which we ought to live every moment. Meditation: The term “Be Saved” is not intended to hold something in front of us to which we need aspire. Rather, it expresses a condition in which we ought to live every moment. The expression of something which might be acquired in the future, or requiring us to alter our present condition in some manner, would more aptly be expressed in the phrase “Becoming Saved,” rather than “Be Saved.” While this may seem obvious in our thinking, it remains profoundly difficult in our living because almost every aspect of our human existence encourages us to be perpetually aware of “becoming” something. We live and perceive with our senses in an endless stream of events that convinces our mind that all things in the universe are moving in some kind of forward direction. The overriding perception is one of infinite change in which each of us is inextricably bound to a river of time and motion. This moment, for instance, is constantly becoming the next ad infinitum in such a way as to render it nearly impossible for any moment, or any person with an awareness of moments, to just “Be.” To “Be Saved,” however, requires us to live not by our sensory and intellectual illusions, but by the immutable grace of God beyond our perceptions of time, place, and self. Prayer: Bring stillness into our heart, God of Peace, so that we may know of your restful love and warm embrace. Release us from our fears and anxieties resulting from relying on our own mind and power rather than the presence of your Holy Spirit within us. Turn our heart away from the desires of our flesh and ego so that we can hunger and thirst more fully to do your will and invite others into the fullness of your heavenly Kingdom. It is your unity and peace that we long for, O Lord, - a fearless life made whole by your unfailing grace. In the name of our Blessed Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen Enter password: .